XXII: Let You Know

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Shuhua scrolled through her Twitter page seeing her favorite group coming back with another banger.

Her mind drifted to that day when Soojin told her a memory she seemed to remember... But in another life.

As Shuhua gets lost in her thoughts, Soojin in her kitten form jumped on top of her lap and meowed softly thinking that Shuhua might be stressed or sad.

Shuhua doesn't budge in the slightest so Soojin nuzzled her face on the pale girl's stomach and purred loudly.

A small smile crept on Shuhua's lips as she felt Soojin meowing and purring.

"What is it, Soo?"

Soojin just lay there on her lap asleep as Shuhua stroked her fur.

"Soojin... Soojin Seo... Michelle... Seo..."

Shuhua murmured.

"You're a demon... Right?"

Soojin looks at Shuhua as the others helped Shuhua clean the cafe while they sit near the counter.


"Then why do good things for me?"

"Because this is how we show how much we like you."

Shuhua blushed and looked at Soojin with wide eyes.

"It's true shu... I just hope you wouldn't leave us hanging..."

Soojin scooted closer to Shuhua and laid her head on the girl's shoulder.

"I... I like you guys too..."

Shuhua blinked rapidly and looked down.

"Soojin... Do you... Remember who I used to be?"

Soojin jolted up awake and turned into her human form as she sits beside the curious girl.

"You were vulnerable, beautiful, and innocent, nothing harmed you whenever we were beside you... You were brave and a strong girl for standing up for your brother."


"Yes... Because back then... You weren't Yeh Shuhua, you were a Yu."

Shuhua stayed quiet as Soojin continued.

"You had three friends back then, their names were Lalisa, Taehyung, and Somi."

Soojin smiles softly as Shuhua pursed her lips.

"We enjoyed being with you, you would always cuddle with us especially with Yuqi since she's annoying and whiny all the time."

Soojin rolled her eyes as Shuhua giggled.

"We missed you... I missed you."

Shuhua smiled and hugs Soojin by the waist.

"Even though I still can't remember my old memories... I'm glad I met you five back then and now."

Soojin closed her eyes and leaned closer.

But a dozen memories flashed through Shuhua's mind, it was full of adventures where Shuhua would cuddle with them, when she got bullied they were there.

Her brother.

She needs to know where he is.

Shuhua opened her eyes wide and fell from the couch as she covering her face.

"Shuhua!? You okay!?"

Soojin freaked out as Shuhua giggled then she burst out laughing.

Soojin chuckled seeing Shuhua laughing like a maniac.

"I remember you, Soo..."

Shuhua said between her laughs making Soojin stop and stare at her.

"Y-You remember me?"

Shuhua looks at her.

"Yes, I do."

Soojin picked up Shuhua from the ground and hugged her tightly.

"I'm glad..."

Soojin whispered as her tears fell.

Soyeon in her kitten form lay on the clean green grass as she watches how the butterflies flutter all around the daffodils.

Shuhua chuckled seeing Soojin run and tell the other girls she remembers everything.

Shuhua doesn't know why some memories were slowly coming back, but she was glad it did come back.

She's glad that she met the girls or demons.

The pale girl sat beside the small munchkin and looked down at her.

The munchkin was already admiring her.


Soyeon's eyes widened at the nicknames causing her to transform into her human form.

"Y-You sai--"


Shuhua placed her left hand on Soyeon's left cheek softly while smiling warmly at the small demon.

"My Soyeonnie."

Soyeon bit her bottom lip before hugging the pale girl tightly as she can.

"You remember me! You remember us!"

Soyeon smiled brightly as Shuhua caressed her hair.

"Yes I do, Soyeonnie...."

Shuhua nuzzled her face in the demons hair and peacefully doze off.

She was too tired from remembering everything.

Soon the others ran towards them meowing excitedly with Soojin now in her kitten form.

Yuqi noticed Soyeon hugging Shuhua by the waist causing her to hiss and smack the shit out of Soyeon's hand clawing her.

"You damn!"

Soyeon grabbed Yuqi and threw her towards the pool making Miyeon panic and save her.

Minnie saw Soyeon laying Shuhua down near the picnic blanket so she meowed and went beside Shuhua's face to sleep.

Yuqi dried herself using fire as Miyeon went beside Minnie and slept.

Soojin lay on Shuhua's stomach and purred dozing off.

Yuqi glared at Soyeon before laying down on Shuhua's chest to sleep there since it was soft.

Soyeon rolled her eyes and cuddled with Shuhua to sleep.

Next Chapter🌼...

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