IX: Gifts For You

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Shuhua grunted as Nayeon finished placing the band-aid beside her left eyebrow.

"So you're telling me you live in an abusive household?"


Nayeon sighed and patted Shuhua's head.

"You can go now."

Shuhua lifted the paper bags and walked through the hallways.

Soojin looked up hearing the vault door open.

"Oh! Hey Soojin!"

Shuhua smiles brightly as Soojin smiled back and crawled towards the glass.

"So I have some gifts for you!"

Shuhua opened the glass door and pushed the first paper bag into the room before closing it.

Soojin grabs the paper bag and dumped everything on the ground.

She smiled seeing five sketchbooks and a fox-designed pen.

Soojin grabs the red fox stuffed toy and a shirt that says "I'm hotter than your girlfriend 😎".

Soojin happily wore the t-shirt and gave Shuhua a grateful smile.

"You're welcome Soojin..."

Shuhua smiled as Soojin grabs one sketchpad and wrote something.

"How could I repay you for your kindness Dr. Shuhua?"

Shuhua reads as she shook her head.

"You don't need to pay or give me anything Soo, as long as you are happy then I am too."

Shuhua pats the glass indicating she wants a high five, Soojin happily placed her hand in the same place as Shuhua's.

"I'll see you later on Field, Soo."

Soojin waves as Shuhua left her room.

Soojin looked down, every field day (Wednesday) she never went out, she was scared.

But... She'll see Shuhua there.

She decided to go later for the very first time.

Shuhua placed the paper bags down and tapped on the glass.

Hyunjin stopped dancing (when the party's over) and looked at Shuhua.


Hyunjin excitedly waits for Shuhua to enter his room.

Shuhua closes the glass door and hugged Hyunjin who also hugged back.

"Thank God he didn't hit my bruise..."

Shuhua thought before pulling away.

"Have you slept well?"

"I did!"


Shuhua gave him a paper bag which he grabbed and pulled his gifts out.

He smiled seeing a stuffed toy ferret and different colors of bandanas.

He tied his hair and placed the bandana on his forehead before wearing his t-shirt that says "Cooking like a chef I'm a five-star Michelin✨".

"I love it!"

Hyunjin laughs as he jumps around with the stuffed toy ferret.

"Thank you!"

Shuhua giggled at how happy hyunjin looked.

"Alrighty, Hyun, I'll see you later at the field okay?"

Hyunjin nodded obediently Shuhua smiled at him before leaving.

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