Chapter Thirty Two

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Glass shards and burnt metal pieces covered the floor of the lab, desks and view screens, broken and shattered. The photos of the attack showcasing Loki's infiltration, Louise's eyes scanning over the scenes. She stood outside the medical bay, gazing off in thought, within silence. A pair of footsteps move to her, the signature not making any motion to pass her from in front.

"I heard you let him go." Clint's voice speaks up from in front of her, clear and unburdened from the mystical scepter.

"Not exactly." She answers vaguely, not caring for anyone's criticism.

"Then, how about your powers? Can you elaborate on those?" He pushes, moving to stand next to her.

"Not really. I wouldn't trust myself at the moment to invade your mind and persuade you. It's a bit unstable at the moment." She answers truthfully, wondering why her emotions want to explode through her powers.

"So you can do mind control?" Clint assumes, digging casually but unsubtly.

"Nope. Let Fury know, he's always getting others to ask the same question for that exact answer. I doubt I'd change it now." Louise retorts, giving him a small glance before turning away to return to the main command center.


Louise feels Steve's mental presence nearby, her head lifting to the door behind her bunkroom made small for reminisce sake. She softly grabs her holster, sliding her arms up and through her back straps, settling her ki sticks to her back. A holstered gun on her left thigh, two small rows of throwing knives attached to her right thigh, secured tightly along with two matching knives on each ankle connected to her black boots. She adds some blades to the straps of her upper holster at her rib height, securing the last of her weapons to her body. Her scarlet body suit armour made to seem thin, her suit made to withstand her strength force, matching flat boots to keep traction and balance.

"Lou." Steve speaks as he stands in her doorway, watching her pause at his voice.

"I'm ready, Steve. I didn't really get a suit like everyone else, after all, I did all my missions in a dress. Coulson had a few blueprints for me, but who knows where those are." Louise distracts, adjusting her long sleeved top. Her "suit" consisted of a tight crimson thinly armoured top that ended at her bottom ribs, her high waisted pants a dark brown colour with several holsters.

"We'll work on it." Steve jokes, trying to get her to face him. She sighs, double checking her equipment one last time before turning.

"Of course. That is unless you try putting me into that dress again." She returns the joking manner with a light smirk, making Steve match it in energy.

"About earlier, I-"

"You said your peace, Steve. I've said my stance subtly, and maybe I'll explain one day." Louise pauses, as she hopes to figure out her feelings in time. Giving Steve the hope he wanted for the past months.

"Let's get this gang moving, we've got a god to chase." Steve accepts her reasoning and steps out of the room, navigating her to meet in the docking bay with the others of the mighty Avengers.


A.N. I just wanted to use this chapter spot as a author's note, so I wouldn't have to use another part for it. I was just wondering if anyone had an questions for this series, like about the main character,  inspirations or hopes for the future parts.

Also, a slight warning, after practically over two years of no inspiration for anything, I finally got a rush of inspiration. So, I sped through the last basic chapters of the series in a few days. I also rewrote some parts I didn't like originally, and practically rushed through the fighting scenes (I dread those with a passion, it's so hard to describe them sometimes). As well as I finished the final long fight scenes, I double checked the spelling and left it be. So, hopefully it flows halfway decently.

Finally, If any one wants a sort of list of the movies my OC's will be in as a main or just featured character, let me know and I'll make a rough draft for the moment, if anyone is interested.

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