Chapter Twenty Two

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Louise sprints forward, dashing past soldiers who part to let her pass from her mental control, lingering only for seconds before moving onto the next soldier in her way. Her movements are swift and quick as she catches up slightly to the giant aircraft Schmidt sped down the runway in. Steve gets held back by kicking two men out of his way before running faster to catch a chain to jump over crates and land closer to the runway.

Louise dodges the propellers that accelerate faster as the plane, the Valkyrie, speeds closer to the opening hatch. She jumps as the ladder to the plane slowly rises to the hatch that was left open by Schmidt. Wind blazes past her, making her grip harden as she struggles to stay attached. Her eyes catch the speeding car that raced to reach the plane before it's takeoff.

The car boosts into a faster speed, her eyes catching Steve's movements in his Captain America suit. Gazing as Peggy stops him and kisses before catching a look from Colonel Phillips who spoke muddled words. Louise smiled slightly at the tender moment before taking action and lowering to catch Steve who saw her dangling close to the speeding ground.

Steve signals for her to climb in, making her stop before she pushed up and entered the plane.

Her body jumps as she feels the aircraft take flight, the loud sounds of the tires lifting and shutting into the plane. She hears grunts louden from the back of the plane, her hiding spot above the entrance she came in.

Louise jumps down softly, keeping silence as she hears the sound of air being sucked out appear as well. She rolls her eyes, knowing she should keep hidden and attack but goes against it and runs into the takeoff dock of sorts. She sees Steve jump onto a small aircraft, her eyes identifying the words "New York" near the nose of it as another H.Y.D.R.A. soldier jumps on Steve and the small ship falls from the dock.

"Shit!" She yells, catching the attention of two already beaten soldiers who stumble to a stand. Louise flips forward a few times, reaching the two guards and kicking them down towards the open hatch. One free falls through it into the open sky, the second clinging on to fight back but screams as it falls out from a crash into the back of the ship, causing Louise to do the same as she flies across the area and slams into a metal column from the impact. She grunts in pain as her side aches, holding it with her left hand as she tries to grab the gun she lost once again a few feet in front of her.

Louise freezes as boots stand before her, her mind moving to take control as she feels a gun press against her temple.

"I'd stop your concentration here, fraulein." She hears Schmidt say, her eyes raising up to see his red face, or rather muscular structure that was beneath his skin. She pauses as the gun moves, not noticing as he pointed it at her abdomen and shot through her back. She grunts loudly, feelling blood pool and begins to drip down to the ground. The pain excruciating as she feels the burn from the energy increase as she lays on the ground, coughing up some blood.

"Now he'll be distracted." Schmidt mutters as he steps away back to the piloting area, as Louise lays in pain, helpless for the first time in awhile.

Steve fights off Schmidt, trying to keep him from completing his mission, his mind moving sometimes to Louise and her location, which causes him to slack a few times. Louise groans as she had flipped onto her back, tearing the torso half of her suit off. Her light blue tank top she wore under it, covered in blood in the lower half.

Her hands quickly move at her side to tear off the sleeves of her suit, tying the ripped sleeves to wrap around her stomach, putting pressure on her wounds and soaking up the blood. She pushes to a crawl before gripping a bar and lifting herself to stand. She pushes through her pain, rubbing her blood from her hands onto the walls as she rushes down a close corridor into the pilot's area.

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