Chapter Five

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Louise stepped into a lab with Doctor Erskine, he gave nods to other doctors or staff in the lab as he escorted her to his office. He awaits as she enters and sits in the chair he pointed to. He closes the door, pulling the shade down as well, making Louise stiffen in her white blouse and knee length fitted brown skirt. He moved to sit ahead of her at his desk, papers covering it as he pulled out a red file and sat it in front of her.

"Read that please." The Doctor says, and Louise grabs the file softly and opens it. Her eyes freeze as she sees the results of a blood test, specifically hers. She glances up, a glare in her eyes, her glasses blocking out her pupil movements, that would have been heavily dilated.

"So you understand enough to know the gene, yes?" Erskine says, and she keeps her face stoic.

"If you're willing, I would like to help you, to help understand it. I have no wish to hurt you, or expose. I just wish to research and examine."

"An experiment." She pushes out, and hands the file back.
"Yes, but only with your consent. I'd be experimenting with a special serum I have yet to perfect. One I will be testing, trying on a certain soldier." He adds, and Louise thinks of Steve.

"What will you need?" She asks quietly, and he leans in.

"Blood, tissue, all scans, and nervous tests. Practically everything. This one serum would be strictly for you, it needs one thing, one thing that would help you and help your cause, which is to protect and fight." He finishes, and Louise glances up, a nod giving him permission as they both stood and stepped to the door.

"Please, escort Ms. Grant to the dressing room and prep room 8. Get Mr. Stark on the line as well." Louise glances back to the Doctor at that name, and follows a female nurse to change from her outfit.


(*I will be trying to do a montage of the experimenting, like how they do a montage of the army training for Steve *)

Louise laid on a fitted body table, her arms and leg in designated spots, strapped down. Howard Stark sits next to her speaking about charts and things, as she rests from some extractions. He gives her a slight sympathetic look, Louise glancing away as Dr. Erskine watches.


Louise stands her glasses long gone, this experiment watching and studying her neural activity. She walks aimlessly around, her arms crossed in an empty room. Her eyes dilated slightly, her brain activity changing and shifting across multiple screens from the room next hers, a one sided glass pane, letting them watch her as she aimlessly moved around.


Louise sat in normal clothes, testing her ability for Doctor Erskine. He sighs as she does nothing, her body tired from tests. He lets her free, waving her off as she enters her empty room.

Louise stares off, feeling her body being tired. She sighs, pushing past her physical exhaustion and rethinks of the doctor's last conversation.

'You are a mutant, Miss Grant. You have abilities, powers. You've basically never used them, by the way you've reacted to the tests. You need to know and understand it if we move forward.' She remembers every word, surprising her somewhat, that held undeniable truth.


A man steps in, and she turns to face him, her eyes dilating as the man stood like stone. She stepped close, her head tilting up as he put a cap over her hair on her head, sending strange readings this time around. She stares into the man's eyes, her mind thinking on it's own as she speaks as well.

'Salute them.'

"Salute them." She says aloud and in her mind, the man moving to the window pane and stops, raising his hand and saluting them before stopping. The man breathed audibly suddenly, glancing around to see he was at the window and not the door. The man leaves quickly, and the Doctor smiles at her achievement.


Louise openly, and mentally makes each test, a person, move or do what she says. Each test ended in the same scenario, no memory of movement, or doing anything, and feeling relief once they did what she wanted.

Louise stood in a grey tea dress, good and healthy, having gone to base with Dr. Erskine. She witnesses Steve use his body as a shield of a grenade. He passes his test and sees Louise with the Doctor, Agent Carter, and Colonel Phillips. He stares in confusion, she gives him a nod as she deals with a few matters regarding the Super Soldier experiment.


Dr. Erskine steps into an army tent, Colonel Phillips sits at a table, Agent Carter ahead of him with a clipboard. Louise enters after him, shaking hands with Peggy Carter before approaching Colonel.

"Dr. Erskine and his trusty assistant. Have you finally come to your senses and choose another soldier?" He says only looking up for a second before going back to paperwork.

"I'm an experiment."

"Excuse me?" He replies, and looks back up to Louise.

"I am an experiment. I have to clarify, or I'd have to work." She jokes, and Phillips chuckles before continuing his work.

"We'll be leaving in the morning. The serums are ready. Good day." The doctor says and leaves, as Louise follows.

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