Chapter Eight

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Louise sits up, her body relaxed, her mind empty. A doctor sitting in a plain metal chair shoots up, as Louise stares at her. Her eyes dilate slightly; the doctor steps to her calmly, never leaving her eyesight.

"Change clothing with me." She sweetly says in her mind, and the doctor begins to change from her pants, shirt and medical coat into the long blue medical dress. Louise lets her rest onto the bed, knowing her brain, head will ache for some time after. The fluorescent lights above them flicker in dimness as Louise stared in confusion, her mind opening for any presence around them.

'Steven!' She hears Dr. Erskine yells in his mind, her body moving quickly to the door.

Louise sprints down a hall, following the darkness in the halls to the main area of experimenting. She freezes as shouts of shutdown fill the air, her mind picking up Steve's immense pain from the glowing metal container she knew he stood strapped in.

"Shut it down, Mr. Stark!" Erskine yells, and Louise moves quickly to the container.

"No! I can do this!" Steve yells; Louise standing slightly back, concentrating on Steve to calm and push back harder.

"Eighty.... Ninety.... That's 100%." The light grows brighter from the glass opening, an electrical hum increasing louder as everyone backs away. Sparks erupt from all of the equipment around them, assistants jumping back as the container charges.

The light stops, the hum from the container dying down as several sparks flash once more before ending. Everyone in the display above stands for a closer look, Louise moves forward with Dr. Erskine, who still glanced at her in confusion along with many others.

"Mr. Stark." The Doctor yells, Howard switching up the latch to open the standing container. The doors and top lift, revealing a very tall, built, shirtless Steve. His body mass and height are extraordinarily different than expected. Louise is the first to move up, grabbing an arm with Erskine to help him down.

"Steven. Steven." Erskine said, as Howard took Louise's place and Agent Carter moved next to her to see.

"We did it." Steve says breathless, now very much taller than before. She stares at him with a smile, his blue eyes looking up to see her.

"Lou?" He says, confused as Louise looked radiant, stronger, better, than she ever was before.

"We did it, darlin'." She jokes slightly with the nickname, and the two extras pitch in.

"I think we did it." Erskine says,

"You actually did it." Howard says, and Louise moves slightly to let Agent Carter, Peggy, see Steve.

"How do you feel?" She asks, and Steve breathes in scanning everything around him.

"Taller." He says after Peggy held her hand in front of his chest and then grabbed a shirt for him.

"You look taller." Peggy replies, as Louise feels a presence in the crowded lab they stood in. Her mind no longer inhibited, free flowing to persuade or induce a state to any government officials, doctors, and friends in the room.

"Louise?" Erskine says as she turns away from them, the small group quieting at her movement. The Doctor follows her eyesight to find a quiet man behind everyone else, standing on the empty metal staircase alone. The man flicks out a metal lighter, his hand flicking the starter.

The display room above explodes in flames, glass shattering down into the lab amongst all of the people. Shouts fill the air as the fire dies down and the Erskine rises back up from the crouching crowd.

"Stop him!" The Doctor yells as the man grabs the last vial of teal Super Soldier Serum. The man; a spy, turned back, shooting Erskine in the chest twice. Steve grabs the Doctor, checking him as Peggy shoots the man a couple times before following up the steps. Louise sees Erskine touch Steve's chest, pointing to his heart, before his eyes close and his heart stops.

"Give me that." Louise says, grabbing a gun from a Senator, she believed, and ran up the steps. Steve sprinting just up behind her as they chased back up through the bunker into the Brooklyn Antique shop.

Louise shoots through the front store doors, holding it open for Steve as he charges out, tackling Peggy out from the street from the spy speeding by in a taxi car.

"Steve!" Louise shouts, her bare feet picking up speed as she sprinted hard after the car, moving into the street to race next to Steve.

"Pick a side!" She shouts, the taxi getting close to a turn.

"Left!" He shouts, her mind expanding its range heavily far down the road. The spy cries out from inside the car from her manipulation, making him turn left before her range cuts out.

Steve sprints out, she watches as he speeds off to the closest left, her chest moving slightly as she sees Peggy standing in the middle of the street. She jogs back to Peggy, quickly glancing around for another vehicle.

"We better catch up." Louise jokes, running to an agency car with her. Peggy takes the wheel, speeding by and following the chaos towards Steve and the spy.


Louise sat on a separate table in a separate room from Steve, her blood being taken by a nurse for examination. The government already then knowing of her experiment as well as Steve's. She was sitting alone, as she saw Steve exit with Peggy. She smiled slightly as the doctor's step away and left her room. She stood quickly, manipulating a nurse to unlock the door quickly as she tried to leave secretly.

Her body hid behind walls as she got in range to hear Colonel Phillips, other Senators, Steve, Howard, and Peggy. Her head turned to listen closely, footsteps heading her direction as she pushed back to not be noticed. The figure steps into the hall she stood in, a soldier turned to face her, gesturing for her to step out. She sighs, her body turning to step out. Steve glances back to her, Peggy and Howard doing the same as a Senator from the lab stood facing her.

"Miss Grant. I've seen, or rather heard, of how you are going to be treated in the near future. I would like to give you a special chance to help your country, as I suspect you went through a similar event as Mr. Rogers here." Senator Brandt, she believed, spoke. Louise looks to Steve, his head giving her a nod of assurance, maybe.

Louise gives the Senator a nod to continue, his hand lightly touching her sweater clad bicep and moving her away from Steve and Peggy. Her head turned to give Steve a confused look before returning her attention to the man.

"I have a delicate situation that you would have to train for, but requires your specific skill." The Senator words, and she pulls back slightly.

"My looks, combat training, bilingualism, medical training, or the super soldier serum ?" Louise responds flatly with crossed arms, the Senator raising his brow at her words and tone.

"Fine, straight forward then. We have an undercover ally in a certain corporation, and the commander is very open to a woman of your description. Your new genetics and assets would be a great assistance to figure out intel and deliver special orders." He replies just as bluntly, and Louise glances back as she sees Steve leaving the room with Peggy.

"I'm your only way to freedom, if you agree to work as a specialist in the field. You'd be out in the open, able to help your 'friends' as Dr. Erskine accepted you in for. All you need to do is missions for your United government." Senator Brant finishes, and holds a file out with specifics.

"To a limit of course, Senator." She bargains, and he smiles, letting her grab the folder.

"Of course, Miss Grant."

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