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There I was, perched on the edge of a rooftop that overlooked the bank. I could see the robbery unfold through my armor's lenses.

It was past midnight and the surrounding streets--lit with street lights and flashing apartment windows--were void of civilians, but the hush of the night had been disrupted by the blaring alarms that emanated from within the bank, followed by a loud explosion that burst a hole through its wall.

Chunks of smoking bricks littered the asphalt and the makeshift exit belched clouds of dust.

Seriously, what's with bad guys and ignoring the doors? I pondered in annoyance as I zoomed my view on the hole.

Two hefty men emerged from beyond with cold expressions on their faces; the buffer one was bald and clad in a furry overcoat. He wielded a rocket launcher.

The other one was shirtless with black leather pants and was tatted in all visible areas. Bandages wrapped around his fists up to his elbow-- 'street-fighter' style. And those wrapped fists clamped large metal suitcases.

These were the goons.

"Too easy!" a deep cynical voice bellowed on emergence from the hole. That was the goon lord.

With his three-piece royal blue suit, slick black hair, and tinted sunglasses, it was obvious to identify him as the boss behind this operation. But he was way more than that:

* Alain Archer


*No government track record before his criminal ventures

* Acclaimed head of the biggest gang in New Chronos

* Specializes in arms dealing and armed robbery


Underneath my armor's mask, his holographic profile was minimized before my eyes.

I gritted my teeth. "The third time's the charm."

Cueing a heroic acapella in my head, I slowly rose from my crouch on the rooftop. The sooner I wrapped this up, the sooner I could get back to bed.

Moonlight washed over my cream gold electron-plate armor. The electron-plates over my forearm were reshaped into a hexagon tube-like blaster and I aimed the henchman with the rocket launcher.

"Gentlemen!" I called out in my masked voice. "Why the rush?"

They froze on the spot and darted their heads around the darkness to pinpoint my location. The glowing blue T on my armor's chest made it easy. Along with my glowing blue eyes.

"Tekeon!" Archer bellowed with open arms. "C'est toi mon ami?"

Mind games. But there was no escaping this one. A silver tongue would get him nowhere.

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