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"And June, you've got to be at the studio by 4 o'clock tomorrow. You know your UK Tour is coming up and we're still behind on that new album."

"Summers, I am well aware of my singer's block." I pinched in between my eyes as I sunk into my seat, holding up my phone to my ear. But I quickly took a more elegant posture when I remembered that I was in the NC-Pavilion. I knew it was okay to be causal but the aesthetics spoke otherwise and just the thought of the many grand events that took place here every year was enough to trigger one's sense of formality.

"A shame you have to waste your time tonight at that glass dome. You could have gotten a jumpstart on rehearsals. The more the better you know."

"C'mon Summers," I chuckled. "I thought I knew you better than to throw a tantrum because you weren't invited."

He blared over the phone. "A manager always goes with his star."

"I'm not your star. I'm a star." The words never escaped my lips though. Instead, I reassured him. "I'll be at the studio by exactly 4 tomorrow."

"Of course, you would. Where else would you rather be?"

"Goodbye." I said dryly and hung up the phone. I let the sound of the orchestra envelope me for a moment. The music from the blend of instruments was beautiful, enchanting even. These were those rare moments when all your cares just disappear. I closed my eyes and I was almost fully immersed when roars of laughter brought me back. I jerked my head over my seat to see Mayor Leron standing close to the entrance with the movie star, Vince Hathaway and some diva in a black dress who I guessed must have been a model. I was about to look away but a tall, light and handsome figure caught my eye beside the Mayor.

"No way." I muttered unconsciously.

My heart started to race as my cheeks flushed. I knew he was invited to this event but I doubted that I'd get the chance to even see him not to talk of meeting him. That was one out of two come true.

He was quite a distance away, making it hard to take in all his features. Should I walk up to him? Now might be my only chance. I had learned to conquer fear and nervousness growing up. My career demanded it. They weren't fully gone though, but they never really influenced my judgment till now.

It was like the seat had glued me in place. I was satisfied observing his gorgeous form from a distance; that is until they dispersed and he started heading my way. Just when I thought my heart couldn't pound any faster, it suddenly did.

But the closer he came to the front row, the more excited I felt. My second doubt was about to be cleared.

Now at the front row, he walked meticulously across it, probably scanning for an empty seat; And the closest one happened to be right beside me.

I had a feeling this day would come but the way it did felt predestined. I thought if this was meant to happen then I had to be brave to make it work. I had to seize the moment.

And then he plopped down beside me and I got a scent of his lavender cologne. He was looking uncomfortable though. And his chiseled face was trained on the LED display onstage which counted down to live streaming. Here goes nothing.

"Hi." I drew his attention. The moment he faced me I felt my cheeks flush. I was grateful for the dim lighting here in the audience. I continued with a teasing smile. "I didn't think you'd be the camera-shy type."

"Why would you think that?" He spoke in a deep masculine voice quite contrary to his voice in the videos and totally negating his current fidgeting state.

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