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Night draped over the city and only two things lit up this part of town. One was the moon of course.

Far north, on the outskirts of the city, an immense amount of land was void of the towering glassy buildings that mostly defined New Chronos. That's because it had been set apart to establish one of New Chronos' grandest attractions which happened to be the venue for tonight's event; the NC Pavilion.

The unmistakable roar of my Lamborghini tore through the night's silence. The NC Pavilion was magnifying into view as I closed the distance with terrific speed.

"Jason McLean, for the umpteenth time you're going to be late." Blitz's chided.

"Geez, you're a real pal."

I barely took my focus off the wheels. I'd just gotten my driver's license a month ago and while the car I was currently driving was way faster than anything I'd ever driven, I knew that as long as I avoided all that stunt stuff I'd be fine. After all, the farness of my villa and the limited time before the opening demanded the likes of the Lamborghini Aventador. But all the more reason why I had to keep my head up.

"I said 'eat the veggies', but you said 'no'. Now, look where waiting for pizza got you."

I retorted with my focus still on the wheels. "How was I supposed to know that the guy I dialed was a prank caller who lied about being a pizza guy?!"

"You could have at least checked the Cross-Bakes website to double check their pizza line. You don't just dial a random number and expect it to magically be the person you want to reach."

I was tempted to face-palm myself. I thought I remembered my regular pizza guy's number only to lodge a complaint to the Cross-Bakes hotline that my order was almost 2 hours late and find out that I'd dialed the wrong number for the delivery.

"Don't do that..." Blitz warned, sensing my urge to stretch one hand towards the pizza box I ordered afterward which was on the passenger seat. "Remember the cop from last night?"

I grunted in acknowledgment. So even after placing the order right, I was still going to attend the Anniversary gala on an empty stomach. Great.

The closer I got, the less quiet the night became until the sound of orchestra dominated the air when I was barely a hundred meters away.

The NC Pavilion was an architectural masterpiece; a glassy, sphere-shaped, massive building. It reminded me of the Dubai technosphere but with a more futuristic design. Colorful lights swirled around the glass and the numerous flood lights outside lit up the environment with a moderate yet brilliant degree of brightness.

My hunger subsided at the magnificent view. It was one I never got tired of seeing.

"Now remember," Blitz said. "This is by far the most important set of people this city's ever hosted in a single event."

"A sitting duck for bad guys, got it." I adjusted my gold cufflinks and cross-checked for spots on my white tuxedo in the rearview mirror. I then ensured my blonde hair was still combed to perfection before I threw my sunglasses on.

"So go in, have a good time but be on high alert."

I doubted it was possible to do both at once. Blitz knew about my doubt.

"Don't worry, I've gained access to all 43 security cameras, I'll be on the lookout."

Couldn't wish for a better bud.

I loosened my grip on the steering wheel as I brought my ride to rest adjacent to the front of the red carpet that led straight to the door. Golden barricades lined both ends of the three-meter carpet, reigning in the flood of crowds on either side.

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