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"I-" the polished cream gold armor that was my second skin began to encase me. "-am-" My forearms reshaped into rail guns, charging up in milliseconds. "-Tekeon!" I fired what was unarguably the biggest beams of electrons I'd ever released.

Kazar crossed his elbows in an attempt to block, but he underestimated my all.

Big time.

The blast consumed the other half of the eatery along with him. After the explosion, fire and smoke danced in front of me. I whipped my head back, the gangsters were holding onto their machine guns with shaky hands. My jetpack popped out and they jumped back in fear.

The burliest one stepped forward and firmed his grip. I gave him a dead stare, hoping he would not be stupid enough to go through with what he was thinking.

"No kill," he screamed. "No cut!"

Unfortunately, others were hyped and took aim at me.

"Take cover." I glanced at June right before they opened fire. According to my wish, Blitz sent out a pulse blast from my armor milliseconds before the bullets hit me, causing them to deflect.

With screams of pain, they all dropped to the ground like flies.

I sighed.

"Jason?" June looked at me like a stranger. So many emotions were flashing across her face.

My heart was heavy. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. She wasn't supposed to find out like this. I wanted to explain everything. I didn't want to lose her trust. Not when she was going away for who knows how long.

But this was not the place. The fire was spreading, the structure was shaking. And deep down I knew Kazar wasn't out of the picture yet.

"You-" I tried to sound composed. "You have to get to the jet. You're running out of time." I took a step towards her but she inched away in her crouching position.

"Please," I stretched out my armored palm. "let me take you there."

She kept increasing the distance between us. My heart panged with every inch. I closed my eyes but perked up at the sound of her sharp scream. She quickly rose her left hand up to her face to examine the new injury.

"June!" My compassion got the better of me, spurring me to stride over to her regardless of whether she wanted me around.

Shards of glass were littered on the spot where she lifted her left hand from. From the spilled salt around it, I could tell that was a broken salt shaker.

I swooped her up bridal style and looked into her eyes through my blue lenses. "It's going to be okay. You're going to be okay."

I aimed at the roof and blasted a hole open before flying through it.

At full throttle, it took barely five minutes to get to the private terminal, north of the city. It was isolated in a forest region and looked almost as large as the average commercial terminal.

Parked in front was Samson Summers' Mercedes Benz jeep. As I touched down a stone's throw away from it, the back door swung open and the charismatic manager came bolting towards us.

"Tekeon," Mr. Samson helped prop June up, staring in horror at the blood gushing down her palm. "What happened to her?"

Standing on her feet, June clutched the injured palm but still had her starstruck gaze fixed on me. I forced myself to look away and turn to Mr. Summers. "Minor causality, get her first aid fast. I've got to go take care of a monster."

"There's a kit in the car," he spun on his heels and sprinted. "June, come on!"

She began to slowly walk backwards, her eyes glassier than before. "Jason." She whispered.

Super BloggerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora