Chokechain & Shock Collar

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I was now seated with my arms crossed over my chest staring across the desk at Noah who was calmly reading over some paper work like nothing had happened. As if he hadn't manhandled me and thrown me over his shoulder like a modern day caveman. I narrowed my eyes further hoping that it would strengthen the heat of my gaze and possibly light the papers in his hands on fire. After a couple more moments of no reaction I let out a loud sigh and slouched further now in the chair deciding to pout instead. 

I let my eyes dance around the room inspecting in further it hadn't changed much since I first set foot in it a couple weeks ago though I did note that they had replaced the door which I had broken during one of my fits. I smiled at the memory of how it felt to kick in the door. I was like Chuck Norris or John Claude Van Dam—except with better hair. Honestly I had never had such anger problems before my rejection. In fact I would say that I was sweet and docile like a baby lamb but the moment I got rejected I turned into what my cousin Wyatt had referred to as a 'Hell beast'. Thinking about my idiot cousin made my heart clench and I quickly pushed the thought way knowing that thinking about those things was not in my best interest. 

I let out another sigh and leaned my face into my palm. I looked down at the ground and stared at my leg which was chained, that's right chained to the leg of Noah's desk. Apparently he didn't trust me not to run from his office the second he put me down so he followed through with an old threat to chain me to his side. I wiggle my leg a little making the chain rattle and then I tugged to test it's strength jerking the desk forward a couple of times. 

"Must you keep doing that?" Noah finally speaks but he doesn't look in my direction. I feel myself perk up a little at his attention which only makes me more annoyed, "I'm sorry am I bothering you? If you like I can leave..." I say in a pleasant tone that is completely forced, "Oh wait I'm sorry I can't—You chained me to your desk!" I growl in annoyance. 

"It was in everyone's best interest." He says dryly before dropping one of the papers and starting to scribble something onto it. I sneered at him and then jerked my leg forward causing the desk to move forward an inch. His pen jerked awkwardly across the paper and I grinned as he finally looked up at me with an annoyed expression, "Really?" He questions. I shrug my shoulders and feign innocence as he looks away from grabbing another piece of paper. He starts to scribble again and I wait this time a little longer before I jerk the desk again. He drops his pen in a loud huff and looks up to me giving me is undivided attention. 

"It looks like you could use some work on your penmanship. It's looking a bit sloppy..." I tease, pretending not to notice how annoyed he is with me at the moment. "Scarlett..." He says my name in a low warning growl and I feel a shiver race through me. I meet his gaze to see that his eyes have grown darker, "Noah." I say his name at him, trying to mock him. 

"Are you trying to piss me off?" He asks in a rough voice. 

"I am. Is it working?" I ask back with a wicked grin. His scowl slowing changes into a dark smirk that makes me question my behavior slightly, "Much to well. If you wanted my attention Mate, all you had to do was say so..." He pushes his chair back from his desk and stands up to his full height. I feel my smile fade completely and my heart speeds up in my chest. 

You should not anger him, My wolf growls at me. 

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