19 | i despise you

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Chapter Nineteen:

Blaine had stayed true to his word.

The engagement party had been planned nothing short of perfect.

Hosted within the dining room and luxury gardens of the Intermezzo Hotel. It was a fusion of a garden party and a modern ballroom aesthetic, enhanced by the flawless blue skies and sweet rising heat of the pre-autumnal air.

Two rectangular tables decorated with golden table-runners and salmon-pink peonies in glass vases had been laid out, each table seating a total of fifteen people. Close family and family would only be in attendance, a more intimate gathering for the engagement party.

A sharp lavender incense hung in the air, welcoming the guests' olfactory senses before they could take in the view.

A single sparkling chandelier illuminated the dance floor and the tables alike. Delicate fairy lights lined either side of the stoned cobbed floor leading to the outside venue. Soft sweet melodies wafted through the air thanks to the DJ and the selection of violinists employed for the evening.

Waiters roamed around the hall, holding a selection of canapes and small glasses of sparkling white wine on trays.

Lydia had requested that her bridesmaids be matching - in a colour of their choice - and despite the short notice, Ria and the maid-of-honour, Lydia's older sister Leela had managed to buy four sets of burnt sienna midi dresses.

The dresses flowed down in satin waves off the body, sheens of light flickering off the silky surface as the girls entered the room; the sun rays peeking through the open windows, the only lighting required for the night.

"I really appreciate you organising all of this for my sister, Ria," Leela spoke as she reapplied her nude-tinted lipstick in the bathroom. Her mouth hung slightly open as she said, "I know she's not the easiest person to get along with."

Ria let out a small laugh, "well, that may just be the understatement of the century. I honestly can't believe you're related. I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you're actually nice and she's well...she's Lydia."

"She has a good heart, trust me. Deep down." Leela replied, linking her arm with the younger girl as they prepared to re-enter the hall.

"Well, exactly how deep are we talking?" Hazel chimed in, earning herself a sharp look from Indiya, who had remained silent for most of the evening.

"I get it, I do." Leela chortled, "I grew up with the girl, but she's just more of an acquired taste. Give it time."

Meanwhile, Blaine busied himself chatting to the guests and other groomsmen in the main hall, but his eyes were firmly glued to the doorway. He'd been unable to tear his eyes away from Ria since he'd first seen her that morning. He was surprised that nobody had noticed his less-than-subtle glances all afternoon.

She strolled in, giggling with Indiya and Hazel. The golden rays of the chandelier caught in her freshly-straightened nut-brown locks, the rays shimmering with each movement. Her hair cascaded silky smooth down her back like water down a fountain. She laughed with no reserve, emphasising her sculpted cheekbones. Her lips were painted oxblood red - he'd noticed that the girl seldom chose light colours to paint her lips. It added to the forbidden aspect of their relationship, he thought. His eyes were drawn to her lips, and he almost felt like she was calling out to him. Almost.

Burnt sienna would never suit any other woman. The way the orange colour complimented her tanned skin, the way the dress clung to the curves of her body effortlessly. Hugging tightly at her bust and the way it hung a little too tight to her abdomen only added to her womanly charm.

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