1. Misery

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My feet scurried fast on the wet ground, my heart beating faster than my chest could take. I could barely breathe and my feet hurt a whole lot but I had to get away, far, far away from the dogs chasing me. I didn't like the idea of being someone's meal for the day, at least, not today.

They were catching up, all I needed was a clever turn to escape and I would be free for three days. With one last look over my shoulder, I jumped into the crowd of busy people, letting them hide me until I was safe away from them; the dogs. My heart leapt with joy, I was no longer a prey for the next three days, I was free!

My happiness morphed into horror as I came to the familiar route to the dreadful hostel I stayed at. If I escaped from the hellhounds, I sure wouldn't be free from Maribeth and her group of plastic doll wannabes. The mean popular hot girls I shared a hostel with.

Oh well, today isn't my first bad day.

I did the sign of the cross as I came face to face with the hostel gate, the open evergreen lawn welcoming me to hell. I dragged my miserable self to the door. They were obviously in their rooms because everywhere was quiet. I ran to the stairs, a glimmer of hope rising in my heart, but as fortune would curse me, they were all there chattering in a whisper. All eyes turned to me, the ugly cursed toad.

"Hey, look who we have here," Maribeth, the barbie doll leader said jestingly. "It's the dock queen."

"Good evening, Maribeth," I greeted, rubbing my sweaty palms at the side of my thighs.

"Come here," she commanded with a smirk.


"Come here!" She shouted angrily, so fast to anger. I trembled like someone who just got out of a snowstorm as I made my way up the stairs, my heartbeat palpitating beyond control again. I stopped three stairs away from them, my breath on halt. "Come closer," she purred with a sweet menacing smile. I knew I was going to get badly hurt, I braced myself and walked closer to her.

Immediately I reached her, I found myself screaming as I tumbled down the stairs. The pain never seized, the spinning seemed like it would last forever. Try as I must, I shielded my head with my hands the best way I could, the impact on my forearms greater than the other.

Then it all stopped, the pain seizing as no light shone on me, not a single movement. It was peaceful.


I woke up to embrace the loud ringing sound in my ears, the great thumping in my head and motionless body. I heaved a sigh, my mind giving me info of where I was, my hostel room. I forced my hand to move to my head, the sharp pain radiating from it jolting my slow pacing heart into action. My head was bandaged, my ribcage was probably seriously broken.

"You're awake!" A familiar voice squealed with delight, who would care if I was alive… oh yes, the girl who always took care of me after I get beaten like fuck. She reminded me of my sister, only that she wouldn't ever stand up for me like my sister would. I turned my head slowly, a small smile crawling up my lips. "If you keep staying in this school, you will get killed. The bullying is becoming too much for you to handle, I would have been dead by now if it were to be me. You broke three ribs on your left, one on your right, a cracked spine and shifted elbows."

"And Maribeth?"

"You know her, cause the damage but never fix it." I smiled despite my pain.

"Guess what?" I asked smilingly. "I don't get to go to school for weeks, I'm somewhat free." When you live in pain, you get used to it, it becomes your everyday normal.

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