9. Hallucinating

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I walked along the empty hallway, I was hurrying to class after getting my chemistry book. I stopped when I felt like someone was watching me. I looked around but saw nothing. I felt uncomfortable and fear was starting to kick in. I could hear footsteps heading towards my direction. I squeaked and ran, I didn't know where I was running to but I knew I had to be around people.

"Oomph!" I grunted after colliding with someone. I fell on the floor, an intense sting jolting from my ass. I looked at the person I bumped into and my mouth fell open. Not just because he was scintillating, but because he was covered with yellow thorns and a large wood protruding out of his shoulder. "Ace?"

"Oh, hi, Marinette. What is ya doing running so fast?" He asked with a grin. I twinkled my lashes and burst into laughter. He frowned. "Thanks for your concern," he said sarcastically.

"I guess the bull meant business," I said between my laughs.

"Yeah, but we came to an agreement," he said with a smug smile and proud nod of his head. This is the guy that is cleverer and smarter than the whole school put together? She wishes. Rielle was trying to boost his ego or the way I viewed him, or something because the guy in front of me was nowhere as smart as her. Elle is the cleverest person I know. For her to lie that he is, she must like him. Just date him, sis, and get this secret love over with.

"Or you can admit that the bull knocked you into a thorn bush… how did you get the stick?"

"Body magnet!" He squealed with a clap. "I finally achieved my dream of being the only living being to magnetise wood!" Yeah right, clever my ass. Ace sold his brain for good looks. But really, how can one living being possess such fine divinity? His beauty could make a god jealous. That's just it. Hot would never be the first classification when you see him. Ace was just outstandingly beautiful, gorgeous, pretty. That was what his face described. Then when you look at his body, that's when you'll scream, "hot damn!"

I chuckled and stood up. "Does it hurt?" I asked softly, trying to touch the wood.

"Only when you touch it," he whimpered. "Do me a favour?"

"What favour?"

"Help me," he whined. I smiled and nodded, completely forgetting about the earlier encounter. I followed him to an empty gym. He sat down and pulled me closer to stand between his legs. I ignored the butterflies in my stomach and focused on removing the thorns one after the other. This is my sister's best friend. He might be gorgeous, but he is off-limits. Why? He's probably madly in love with my sister, and she might feel the same way. And, there's a hundred percent chance that he would never look at me. I mean, look at me! I'm Marinette! Marinette the ugly troll. Why would he leave my sister, the goddess of beauty for a piece of crap like me?

"Seriously, why did you try to milk a demon?" I huffed. The thorns were too much and tiring, but not as disturbing as being close to him. He smelt so nice.

"Why doesn't anyone understand my delicious theory?"

"Have you drunk one before?"

"If I haven't, would I be so obsessed with it?"

"And how did you achieve that?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Why won't I know?!"

"Why must you know?!"

"What's with the question versus question thing?!" I screamed, fighting the urge to smack his face. I hated when that was done to me… oh, wait, it has never been done to me.

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