12. She almost drowned

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I sat at the school's pool, reading my history textbook. I didn't understand it but I was trying. Not a single soul was at the pool to my delight. I love reading in quiet places. It was just me, my book, and the shimmering dancing water. I was reading about the foundation of Twilight Castle; it was originally the first vampire royal castle before the great vampire queen, Queen Rida Red, who willed it to be a school for every paranormal after her death. The present king, Dermot's father, built a much bigger and better castle to live in, while this one became a school.

I should have followed the book, believed what was written but something was missing in the history. Something didn't quite click with me but I couldn't place my finger on it. I dropped the book and sighed, wondering what was missing. Again, the incessant ringing in my ears increased, making my head pound. I massaged my temples, trying to soothe the headache, but nothing was happening. In frustration, I pushed the book into the water, groaning in pain as the ringing persisted. That was when the ringing stopped abruptly and was replaced with a gush of wind, a gush that carried voices.

Don't do this!

The princesses are unfit for royal life.

Yes! Kill them!

Sibyl, run!

Ivy, I'm scared.

Don't worry, Sibyl, I'll protect you…

‘Hello there, Marinette,’ I gasped at the sharp pain in my head after my name was mentioned. Thousands of voices flooded my head, causing me more pain.

"Stop! Make it stop!" I cried, scrambling to my feet. I closed my ears and eyes, and it went up. They weren't whispering again, it had become a series of shouts.

They will all pay!

I fell into the pool, like someone pushed me in. The voices stopped, the pain seized but then, I couldn't swim. I screamed and fought to rise to the surface, to get to the edge but the current was too powerful. "Help!!! Marielle!!!" I screamed. I kicked my legs, battling to stay alive. I could feel a cold breeze passing me, like someone was trying to hold and pull me out but it just couldn't get a physical hold on me. My body plunged in, I saw a panicking girl over the water before it disappeared. I swam up again, enough to see something flash away.

I lost my energy, I drank a lot of water, and my body surrendered to the powerful pull of the water. My body sank as water ran into it through my nostrils and mouth. I hung on, keeping my eyes open and hoping for a miracle. A glowing form dived into the water, swimming down to me with the speed of lightning. His ginger hair floated in the water, dancing like a mermaid's waves and sparkling at each sway. He looked like an Angel, my beautiful guardian angel.

He carried me up and manoeuvred me to his back before swimming out of the water. I momentarily blacked out, seeing myself standing in a dark place. I wandered in the darkness, seeing different faceless souls floating around and most bowing to me. My feet pulled me back. I jumped into a white light and gasped, waking up to Ace pumping my chest. The weight on my chest was hot, heating up to my throat. My vision turned black again, then to grey, cream, white, and finally, a spectrum of rainbows.

"Marinette," Ace called. I spluttered. "Thank goodness you are alright," I stared back at the angel looking down at me with worry and concern. I was dazed.

"W-w-what…" I stammered.

"I don't know what happened to you. How did you end up in the pool? That is a question for you, or don't you think?" I looked around, still in shock. "I don't know, I heard someone whisper to me to go to the pool and I did, only to find you drowning. Forget about it, I'll take you to the nurse."

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