Chapter 1

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Info: In this ABO universe, I've made it reverse. Omegas can claim alphas, and if so, that alpha will only be able to be with that omega. Non-other. And there aren't any pheromones.


I glare in his direction.

I grab my glass of gin and tonic and gulp it down in one go. The sudden bitterness of the cocktail makes me hiss at the sensation, but somehow, I managed to maintain the same glare.

'Idiot. Asshat. Asshole. Son of a bitch. Motherfucker.' I curse in my mind.

My eyes twitch as I watch him drunk-dancing in the middle of the dance floor with two girls wrapped around him. Putting their arms around him and rubbing their bodies on him.

This guy...


This guy turns out to be my little sister's boyfriend. Correction, ex-boyfriend. Because from what I heard from my sister, Tu, this son of a bitch cheated on her. He used her and had all the fun. Then dumped her like she was some piece of shit.

My eyes flare as I remember my sister crying her heart out, expressing her sadness. She cried a lot that day, not even telling me his name. But somehow, I made her tell me his name.

It is Bright Vachirawit. The infamous playboy. The alpha who seduces even a frog on his way. Who dumps others like they are playtoys. Who doesn't give two fucks about anyone's feelings. Who thinks he is the hottest alpha to make other omegas drool after him. But NOT me.

I am an omega, but nooo, he's-- ugh, hot, yeah. But him being an ass has covered the hotness and the charm he has—waste of oxygen.

I watch. One of the girls wraps her arms around him and kisses him on his lips.

I grip the empty glass hard in anger but let go. Afraid I might break it. Okay, I've had enough tonight. I stand up, ready to end all this shit tonight. Right now.

I walk over, brushing past all the sweaty bodies. My eyes only focus on Bright as I don't want to fail my mission. Get my revenge on him.

I walk close to Bright and harshly grab him. His body slightly sways due to the drunkness, and he falls on my body. The two girls don't notice me stealing him as they are drunk as well.

And I pull him out of the dance floor and drag him towards the stairway. It is Dew who is having this party. Being his friend for all these years, I know his house better than mine. So I drag the drunk alpha upstairs, with him stumbling down and occasionally hitting his face on the steps. By the time we are at the top of the stairs, he suddenly falls against a wall, panting heavily.

I only look up and down at him, smiling in victory for getting him drunk. Yeah, it was me. I waited for the best chance and spiked his drink so he would be conscious yet unconscious. He would be aware of what is happening, yet confused and will not get any sense out of it later.

I push him into the nearest room and lock the door behind me. Suddenly I feel like a criminal- never mind. He has done too much damage, and he deserves this. I push him further into the room, and he loses his balance and falls onto the bed.

I take time and switch on the bedside lamp so that I get a full view of him, and he, too, will get a full view of me. But his mind will fail to recognize me again. I hover over him, and he looks at me with dazed eyes. His hands weakly try to hold me in place, not letting me climb up on him further.

But I grab his hands and pin them next to his head, pinning his body under me. I make myself comfortable on his stomach and look into his dazed eyes.


I blink when I see him looking at me, all guarded down and with submissiveness in his eyes. Why does he look so innocent all of a sudden? Of course, he's helpless and drunk. He looks like an angel right now but a devil in real life.

I shake all thoughts out of my head and look into his eyes that are open but out of this world.

"You..." I sigh. "The infamous playboy." I let my index finger touch his nose. "How are you feeling?" I ask, trailing my finger down his chin, across his soft lips. He hums in reply, having no strength to talk.

"Why the hell do you look so innocent?" I question, obviously knowing he won't answer. He groans in reply, trying to struggle away, but I tighten my grips, frowning at him. "You see... if you move and be a bad boy... things will get dirty. So dirty... Okay?" I smile.

"And I am so damn angry with you. Because--" I dramatically gasp. "I can't tell you. Because what if you remember my words and find me, huh, you helpless little mouse?" I tilt my head.

He breaths fast and manages to take one of his hands from my grip. But I pin him down again and watch as he finally, completely drifts off to sleep.

"Hello?" I ask, but he's out of this world. I release his hands and sigh. I cover my face with both my hands and groan aloud. "Win. Are you sure you want to do this? No, I don't want to, but..." I talk to myself aloud. "Tu cried a lot... this idiot broke her heart. And not only that. This idiot broke my cousin's heart too. He deserves to get punished. At last. By someone."

I finally decide to get through with my former plan. I might sound like and become the villain after this. But never mind. For breaking my sister's heart, he deserves this. The closest person in my life and the person I love the most is my sister. And I don't want to see her cry... especially not because of a playboy.

I lean in and take Bright's face in my hands. He looks so peaceful in his sleep and seems so easy to go with my plan. My lips twitch to a smile,

"I am sorry, but..." I take a deep breath. "You've broken a lot of hearts, Bright. Do you even know how painful heartbreak feels? Of course, not. You are the one who breaks other peoples' hearts. You've done that a lot, and you have no idea what shitty thing you are doing to all the innocent ones around you. But this time, sweetheart... it is different. Because you fucked up with the wrong guy."

I look at his face for a few more seconds and lean in. I lean into the left side of his neck and breathe in his calming scent. I part my lips and gently lick his neck.

Then I part my lips once again and bite him hard, letting my canines linger deep in his skin. He doesn't even budge as I mark him in his sleep. Once I am done, I move back and lick the bleeding mark clean.

I look at his calmly breathing body and pat his chest. I wipe my lips and take a deep breath.

Then I gently brush back my hair, "You won't be able to be a player again. This is your punishment for being a playboy and breaking hearts. You know how it is done, right? Now you are stuck with me until I die... You can kill me and end it... but only if you get to know who I am. And guess what? Your only omega will be me... But my only alpha won't be you."

I get down from the bed and walk past the bed. I spare one last glance at him.

"I am sorry... but good luck with finding who I am."

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