Chapter 5

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I take a few shots and search the crowd for a familiar face. Bright's face appears, and he seems to be enjoying himself... totally different from what I saw a few months back when he had two girls wrapped around him.

I roll my eyes in dismay, and he seems to sense my stare as his head cocks in my direction. He smiles wide and walks to me, spilling a bit of the drink in his hands due to a body slamming on him. He breathlessly stands in front of me, and I can't help but admire his features under the disco lights. Changing from blue to red and green, then purple.

"Fancy seeing you again, potato." he greets, takes a sip from his drink, and I poke my index finger on his chest.

"You are the biggest potato." I stick my tongue at him.

Just then, the DJ changes the music from rock to slow dance, and I see how the people around us form into couples for a dance. This party's quite different from others I've attended as it doesn't have a free area to smoke or hang out alone. It's all about dancing, and I am not quite a fan of dancing, though I sometimes do, rarely.

"You aren't dancing with someone?" I ask Bright, looking over his shoulder at the girls who don't have any partners.

"Aren't you?" he questions back.

"I don't like it."

"Oh. That's surprising." he eyes me up and down with that twinkle in his eyes. The couple behind Bright, who is too drunk to dance, suddenly slams on his back. He loses his balance and falls on me, and I quickly hold his shoulders so we won't fall on top of each other on the floor.

Bright, too, holds my shoulders and looks down at his leg. It seems he sprained his ankle as he fell.

"Just- hold on." he groans, twisting his leg to find a way to step away without moaning in pain. So I look up at the disco ball on the ceiling, wishing he'd back away as soon as he's done with mending his leg.

I feel his breathing against my chest as he's bending while doing something with his leg. My unbuttoned shirt doesn't help me, either. I feel his breathing right against my chest, and the warmth spreads into my lower abdomen, some spreading toward my neck, and I feel tingles down my spine.

As Bright's done with doing something to his leg, he looks up at me and painfully smiles, "Something's seriously wrong, but I can manage." he says. But my mind's only thinking about how close we are, how a little push will make us flush together and maybe... just-- nothing. Forget it!

"You should rest back for a while." I push him away, combing back my hair in total disapproval. "Go on. You don't need support, I assume."

Bright nods with a frown bunching on his forehead. He opens his mouth to say something but holds himself back. It seems that he wants me to know that he'll appreciate some help, but he limps away. And I don't help him.

Just as Bright's gone, I feel a nudge from behind me. When I look back, I see Joss.

"Long time no see." I sarcastically say.

"What were you doing with him?" he asks, about Bright, of course.

"He sprained his ankle."

"And you are worried?"

"No. He plays football, so it might be a usual thing for him. He doesn't need any help."

"Yes. We are taught how to deal with a little sprain, right?" he sighs. "Mind joining me for a dance?"

"You've been ignoring me for weeks, though. Why should I agree?" I ask, even though I want to take his hand for a dance. Even if it feels wrong, I don't know why.

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