Chapter 8

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Bright and I hang out a lot after that day, officially in terms of 'dating'. Knowing that I know the biggest secret about him, Bright becomes more clingy to me. When it's just the two of us, he will ask for kisses and hugs like a needy person. Most of the time, I will make him shy and almost embarrass him before giving him what he wants. I love to make him blush so hard for me.

But it doesn't stop me from feeling haunted when I am alone after spending a lot of time with him.

All those beautiful smiles he reserves only for me, and his vulnerable side of being submissive... all that. I feel like he's so precious, and I don't deserve him at some point.

I've been nothing but a liar to him.

For several days I even made up my mind to tell him the truth, but something always held me back. Mostly the haunted fact that he will break up with me. No... mostly the fact he'll be in pain, feel betrayed, and it'll hurt his heart.

I don't want to see him broken like that.

But it isn't like I can keep this a secret longer.

The term comes to an end, and it's my birthday. I throw a big party and invite everyone to find Bright at my doorstep in the morning when he's supposed to be there by 6 pm. He definitely lost his clock.

I invite him inside and get his support for all the party preparation things. He helps me, and we have a little movie time as well. I steal kisses from him from time to time, making me freeze in place, and it'll take him a long to come back to his senses. He's too cute sometimes. Too blushy and everything.

When it's party time, people fill in my home, and I make sure Bright is at least a ten-meter distance from me all the time. I go through the process of making sure everything's going right, and by almost midnight, he pulls me inside to the crowd for a dance.

"You have to make it up for the time you danced and kissed in front of me," he says, being the cheesy self again.

"Ahh. I didn't even like you that much back then. There's nothing to make up." I let him hold my waist and lead the dance.

He bops his nose on mine and smiles brightly.

"It's good to celebrate your birthday together like this. I like it, and I like you so darn much," he says, and my heart swells... at the same time, it feels heavy. Like it weighs a ton. No, a thousand tons.

I absentmindedly pull back just as he tries to kiss my cheeks. I remove his hands around me and step back. When I look at him, he looks confused, almost hurt for dodging his kiss.

I know I have to tell him the truth. I can't go on with this. I can't hurt him as much as I want us to live in this bubble for a long time. He doesn't deserve this dirty secret to stay unknown. He should know and decide what's best for him. He might not choose me... but it doesn't matter. He deserves the truth.

"Bright, I have to tell you something." I quickly go with my words before I might back up.

"Y-yeah?" he asks.

"I-" I take a deep breath. "Iamtheomegawhomarkedyou."

"Come again?"

I groan and cover my face with both my hands. There's no way I am doing this. But I have to!

"Bright. I am the omega who marked you that night." I admit. Feeling extremely guilty and bad for ruining this night... for ruining everything. I am a damn villain. I am worse than Voldemort. I am a thousand times worse than Voldemort.

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