Chapter 4

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I buy an ice cream from the cafeteria and tear open the cover. I walk to the football field while tasting that strawberry goodness. The field's empty, as there aren't any upcoming matches. So I sit by the bleachers and enjoy my ice cream alone... Until-

"Sup, man."

I roll my eyes and scoot away just as Bright flops himself next to me. I've gotten used to his annoying presence.

But the heaviest thing always becomes heavier in my heart whenever he comes near me. It's the fact that I claimed him that night. How can I simply forget about it? As much as I try my best to ignore that fact and to make myself feel better by saying I did that for my sister... it doesn't make any sense now.

I don't know.

My sister has a boyfriend right now, and she's totally fine. And from what I've heard from people around my school, Bright's been single ever since. How long has it been since I marked him? Around one month... Yeah, totally. And he has been annoying me for weeks now!

"Sup, ass." I quickly clean the ice cream that falls on my pants.

"Did you do the biology paper?" he asks.

"Yeah. They are giving marks today itself."

"Aagh. It sucks." he rests his elbows on the above step of the bleachers and gives me a side glance. "You are silent today. Your curses are decreasing."

"I am improving my vocabulary for you. Been wondering what else to call you." I admit.

"Right. That's your hobby, isn't it?"


He chuckles, and we stare at the field in silence for a few minutes. I finish my ice cream and wrap it so the spare liquid won't come out. Then I toss it across the lower steps to the bin nearby.

"Nice throw."

"I know." I hmph.

I have so many questions to ask him, but I keep silent. And he breaks the silence again.

"You asked me... days ago. Why am I coming after you..." he tilts his head to grab my attention.

"Say something weird, and you are dead."

"Ay, ay, captain. But it's not anything weird. I just want your help with something."

"Go on," I say, realising my curses really have decreased. Maybe I've got used to his presence. But I can't forget what he did to my sister... AND to my cousin. You asshole of a playboy!

"You already know an omega marked me," he says, and I cringe at his words. What he doesn't know is that omega is right next to him. Me. "And it's been bugging my mind. When an omega marks an alpha, that alpha can't be with anyone else."

Yes. That's why I marked you. That's your punishment for playing with people's feelings. Now you belong to me. Your body won't react to another person even. BAHAHA. Also, you will only be able to be with another omega over my dead body. Seriously.

That's why I say revenge is sweet.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Yes. But that's not the reason why I want your help. This is different. I can't tell you yet..." he trails off. "So... I basically want your help because you are an omega. I want to know the omega who marked me. I want to know who he is."

"Well. I am not the only omega around. Ask help from another."

"Come on. I can't tell anyone about these things!"

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