Chapter 3

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Joss picks me up the next day. My mood is better than yesterday because I got to play a role in a football match at school for the first time ever.

"You look all smiley again. For the past week, you were grumpy and even avoided me. What happened?" Joss breaks the silence inside the vehicle.

"Well... I am happy about the match. But still unhappy about what happened to my sister with his ex-boyfriend." I give him a side glance. "Feed me well, so I will stop worrying about it too."

"Sure. I'll empty my wallet for you. If that's what you want." he chuckles.

"Oh, come on. Don't make me sound so greedy."

"I am not. See, we are near the location. Your favourite restaurant."

"How'd you know?"

"You told me once."


Everyone around us has always said that Joss and I made a really good couple, that we were compatible and so on. It's true that we are compatible and get along so well, but... there's something missing in our relationship. I don't know what that is. It's also the reason why I rarely go on dates with him, though he keeps on pursuing me from time to time.

He's a really good guy, so I wonder why I am like this... Maybe deep down, I assume he's not THE one for me..? I don't know.

We get down from the vehicle and walk to the restaurant. It has been my favourite since I was a kid because my mom used to take my sister and me there occasionally. We walk inside, and I say that I want to take the usual table that my family does, but Joss has other ideas. So I let him select the one he wants, which is next to the window view.

Joss pulls the chair for me, and I sit. He sits in front of me with a radiating smile on his lips. Just then, a waiter comes to our table with menus to take our orders. I order my usual, and Joss asks me to order for him as I am a regular in this place. So I order for him as well.

Just then, Joss receives a call, and he excuses himself from there. So I look around till he comes back... only to find a familiar person walking into the restaurant. I startle and squint my eyes to see whether it's really Bright or if I am hallucinating him here.

And to my utter shock, he looks my way right then. His lips twitch to a small smile, and he walks over to me. I clench my hands under the table, wondering why he's making his way to me. Maybe because he noticed me from yesterday's match, or is he coming to scold me for talking to him like that yesterday?

I don't know.

"Hi. Fancy seeing you here." he casually says and notices the seat in front of me. "Anyone there?" he asks.

"Yes." I grit my teeth. "What are you doing here?"

"I am here to shop for a shirt, actually. I mean, it's a restaurant. They sell shirts in restaurants, right?" he chuckles.

"Not funny," I grumble.

"Come on." he laughs.

Just then, Joss arrives at the table after taking the phone call. I feel relieved and less angry as he appears. Joss looks at Bright and at me. I only give him a timid smile.

"Hey, dude. What are you doing here?" Joss asks, taking his seat in front of me.

"Well... eat, what else?" Bright says with a duh expression.

"Cool, and how do you know, Win?"

"...I don't. I mean, just got to know him yesterday... and... I don't assume you two are on a date.. or are you?" Bright suddenly asks us.

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