Chapter 9 - An Interesting Flight

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After a while, the dryad had to strengthen not only my grasp, but also the tree itself.

Even counting how small I was, when the branches I used as footholds started to be as thin as half of my foot, nothing could stop the tree to sway at every weight shift.

A steady, patient flapping of wings could be heard hovering the forest and, as I slowly breached the roof of leaves, it got closer and closer.

When the night sky finally came into view, the dragon was hovering just a few meters away from me.

No moon guarded the night sky so all I could see, of the flying myth close to me, was a giant moving shadow.

Mhh...I will come closer. My fangs are too short. Stay still, little human.

"Wait! Fangs? Why fangs?!"

Because I have no other means to grab you.

"Can't you land somewhere nearby so I can jump on you without any hassle?

Are you really asking that after the climb?

I didn't say anything. He had a point.

In any case, the answer is no. There are no places where I can land except for the road you ran away from and you can't ride me either.

"Yes I d-"

No you cannot. I am not an horse. If you would do that in our current state, your thighs would be cut like butter by my scales and you would die of blood loss before I land. Now.... follow my directions. I'll do the rest.

If he didn't want me to ride him....then how could I fly with him? In his mouth?



I'll keep you in my hand and pinned to my belly. There, the scales are softer and should not cut you to death, you need not to worry.

"...better than what I thought, at least..."

We can try that if you want.

"Belly is fine!" I shouted instantly.


His figure came closer and closer but, after grazing the branches of nearby trees, it stopped.

You have to climb to the very top, I can't reach you where you are.

I watched above me, to the remaining microscopic needles of wood I could spot in the darkness.

"I'll try..."

Whispering an excuse and a thousand prayers to the dryad who kept the tree solid as a rock, I climbed a little more.

Two potent flaps and the dragon moved directly above me.

Fiery gusts of wind started ramping all around me and, in a matter of moments, I started shivering thanks also to my, still wet, cloth.

Grab my claw now.

Its rearfoot reached arm-length and I clinged to it as best as I could. My feet still hanging in the air, the dragon gained some distance from the flora below.

When I say "let go'' do it instantly. Understood?

"Mhmh, o-okay." I was hanging in the air...who knew how many feets from the ground and completely unaware of my surroundings...what could go wrong?

I...tried not to think about the answers.

Two more flaps and then a final, stronger, one.

The dragon spread his wings and, to gain enough momentum, flew shortly in a soft glide. As altitude was exchanged for speed, my pathetic arms hugged that claw as best as they could.

Then, for half a second, the world spinned on itself and the command was given.

Downwards or upwards I flew, weightless, until something wrapped firmly around me.

Guessing it was its hand, paw, or whatever, I found it somewhat smaller than the foot I was hanging from.

Still big enough for me to comfortably sit in its palm though.

The hand moved under the wings and pressed me against something that felt like hardened leather...a bit too much.

"Oi! Space please! I'm not a sandwich!" I shouted.

Nothing changed.

He probably didn't hear me.

I tapped repeatedly on the paw and he understood.

The hand curved slightly, giving me enough space to breathe.

Somehow, I managed to curl up in a ball, covering as much skin as possible in that rug I was wearing. In a moment of foresight, I hurriedly grabbed my hair and stuffed it in between my legs. Remembering what a open window in a car ride could do, I wriggled around, grabbing any rebel,  in order to keep as much of it as still as possible.

These things are way too damn long for me...

Finally happy with my "catch" I settled down, in that weird situation, and strongly hoped that the god, in its divine wisdom and godly thoughts, would not forget about my presence and accidentally drop me.

Meanwhile, the accused gained more altitude and took up a favorable current. His flight towards nord-east was going to be a relaxing one, so he had no rush whatsoever. He, once again, spread his wings and let the currents do what they could do best, enjoying every feeling that body would give him.

He looked up to the stars, then back to the flames which were still devouring the corpses left behind. None of the enslavers were alive but a small number of ex-slaves survived and were grouping up in the forest. Despite his facade, the god was a bit relieved, he didn't think someone other than her would have escaped. Wishing them a merciful destiny, the god left them be and his gaze went back to the starry sky, towards our destination...

...but I could see none of that, because I was too busy role-playing as a smartphone in the pocket of a very scaly sweatshirt.



Slightly changed Prologue 2

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