Chapter 10 (Part Two) - Mirroring Clouds

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To anticipate your next question, neither of you are "prevailing over one another". There is no battle between you two. You do not have to worry on that front.

The dragon stared at me, his eye taking an artistic veil, admiring his new opera.

I really must compliment myself. Such work is not at all an easy task with living and aging souls. To keep the operation on a smooth sail, at every second, at every change in you both, I had to modify the grasp and the tools to manage and handle your souls, everything at the same time... It was truly a wonderful challenge.

He nodded by himself, my frown following in the same direction but with no reverse motion.

"Why did you say all of this to me?"

Because you asked...and to gain a bit of trust. You are not a stranger anymore -although we are far from sharing a friendship- and I'd like not to see that look of yours whenever I speak.

"It's not a look, it's simply my face and I was born with it. It's been very a lot of situations."

You do not have it anymore and...if I may, that usefulness of which you talk had the only effect of worsening your...nuisances.

"Ha...Nuisances you say. As if they were as tiny as you seem to make them out... also, why would I even try to solve them? New ones will come up immediately after. Might as well stick with the first ones and get used to them. At least you can predict how you'll be screwed up."

He went quiet, his eyes half-closed in thought.

A droplet of water fell on his neck. It slided down on the scales, towards its chest, and played with the light of his sky-colored scales.

It then stopped, pending dangerously at a mere foot from the ground.

I do not agree... but I won't change your mind either. Close your eyes for a moment, I want to show you someone.

Still entrenched on my ideological hill, it took a while before I could fully submit to his deviation.

I closed my eyes, trusting my hearing to spot the newcomer.

No footsteps.

Instead, sounds of sand rolling on rock filled the cave. It then transformed into a flow of tinglings, as a wave of glass' fragments.

When I opened my eyes, on his word, a mirror stood in front of me and I finally understood who the "someone" was.

Dressed in rugs and still as a blinded deer, an unknown child stared right back at me with never-before-seen eyes.

When I took a breath, her chest rose,

when I moved my arm, hers moved too,

when I took a step forward, she also closed in.

Pallid skin as weightless clouds, I didn't give her more than four feet of height. Those same clouds, this time turbulent and chaotic, shared the same deep gray color with her eyes. Perfect resemblance to the lavender petals' shade, her hairs were many, wavy and long, falling down to, almost, her knees. The tips of two black circular horns crowned her head: Perfectly symmetric, they originated from slightly above her ears, gained a couple centimeters from the skull, grew then backwards, down and finally upwards, finishing in a S and pointing towards her forehead.

I stood in awe, gazing at the me who was also a complete stranger.

A movement from behind, reflected on the mirror, and the dragon sat gracefully behind me.

Do you like it?

"...It seems like you're talking about a shirt or something... does it matter, in any case?"

No, it does not. I was simply chatting.

" least she's pretty." I admitted.

I touched the new "decorations", expecting nothing, and once again they were reason of surprise. I felt my hand clearly, as if I touched my arm or my leg.

My mind ran suddenly back on the god's words, about her not being able to exist anymore.

Uncaring of him behind me I took off the clothes I had on and remained awkwardly naked in front of the mirror.

Scanning as much skin as possible, with as much indifference as possible, I searched for any sign of violence or mistreatment -excluding the marks left by the chains- but nothing came to eye. Not even callouses on the hands.

Cast and pure as a newborn, one could say.

I remembered the few names linked to her past he told me and I wondered if he really didn't know more.

Then, my mind moved onto the thought of a person I left in a world which no longer held any grasp on my existence.

I turned, facing his dragon eyes with my cub's might.

"Our deal..."

I remember.

"Do you have anything else to explain?"

Not really, I covered everything I deemed useful and common.

"Then...I'd like to write it now"


Author's Note

Hallo everybody

I wanted to ask a question.

Would you like me to search and find a picture resembling our newly descripted girl?

I'd rather not to, leaving your imaginations to their blessed work.

Let me know!

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