Chapter One

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Damon, Alaric, and Elena were checking out the old Lockwood caves that Mason had shown Damon, they trying to find a way to get rid of the originals once and for all.

Alaric was taking pictures of the words carved into the way while Elena was looking around the cave, she stumbled into a side room attached to the one with the names inscribed on the wall. Upon entering the room she saw the only thing inside was a coffin in the middle.

The first thing the doppelganger noticed was that there was an almost forcefield-like shield around the coffin, "Alaric... come in here for a second." The vampire hunter entered the room as well and saw the same thing as Elena, "you see the coffin too right?"

He nodded "yes, I see it too."

"Okay good, just wanted to make sure, I'm gonna call Bonnie and get her to come and check this out."

He nodded "good idea, Elena." then he walked back into the other room, Elena called Bonnie once she was alone in the room with the coffin, "Hello?"

"Hey, Bon."

"Elena? What can I do for you?"

"Well I could use your help with something, I'll text you the location but there's a coffin here surrounded by a shield almost like a forcefield, so I figured we could use a witch's help to look at it, maybe what or whoever's inside can help us take care of Klaus once and for all."

"Send me the location and I'll be right there."

"Okay, I will as soon as we hang up," they said their goodbyes and hung up and Elena texted Bonnie the location and then joined Alaric in the other room.

Damon looked at her "what did you find?"

"I'm not sure, there's a coffin in there but it's surrounded by a magic shield or something so Bonnie is on her way and is going to see what's in it maybe whoever or whatever it is can help us get rid of Klaus."

Damon nodded at her, agreeing that it would be a good thing if whatever was inside the mystery coffin could help them get rid of the originals. Alaric finished taking the pictures to translate later and now they were waiting on Bonnie outside the cave so that Elena could show her the way to go.

Bonnie pulled up 10 minutes later, with her grimoire, and looked at Elena, "where is this coffin you mentioned."

"It's inside the cave, come on I'll show you." Bonnie nodded at the two girls, with Alaric following them making their way into the caves and Elena led Bonnie into the vampire-proof room and then into the side room where the coffin was sat in the middle. "There it is..."

Bonnie stared at the coffin for a moment and held her hand out "that shield is definitely magic I can feel it, it almost feels partly like Bennett magic, mixed with another witch's magic... it's like it's protecting whatever is inside"

"Can you break the shield?"

"I think so, just give me some time."

Elena nodded at sat down on the cave floor letting her best friend do her thing, the doppelganger really hoped that whatever was being protected in that coffin was powerful enough to help them achieve what they want. Alaric waited in the other room, while Damon was outside the barrier, they were both thinking the same thing as Elena.


It took Bonnie three days to finally break through the shield and she called Elena as soon as she did and Elena came straight away wanting to be there when Bonnie opened the coffin. The Bennett witch looked at the doppelganger as she walked into the room "are you ready for this?"

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