Chapter Two

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Damon scoffed "well why didn't you tell her what was going on because if she can't help with our little problem then what was the point in even waking her?"

Cirilla narrowed her eyes at him, offended by him pretty much acting like she wasn't here while talking to Bonnie, her eyes glowed green as she flicked her wrist using her telekinesis to throw him into the wall and making Damon crash into a shelf with a groan.

Elena glared at the platinum blonde witch at that. Though there was an edge of fear in her eyes she had never seen anyone's eyes glow like that before.

The green faded back to blue as she continued to glare at him "do not speak of me as if I am not in the room, you could have simply asked me yourself." Bonnie smirked, her new friend here was quite feisty it seemed.

If there was one thing you never wanted to do it was piss off a Calypso witch, they were known for their nasty tempers. Though with Cirilla being the last Calypso witch they have been resorted to a myth in the supernatural world.

Rebekah had been upstairs where she had claimed a room to stay in until her brother came back to Mystic Falls, she had heard Bonnie and Elena speaking to Damon but didn't care enough to even come down, and then she heard the crash and her curiosity got the better of her so she flashed down to the living room.

The female original arrived in the living room in time to hear a very familiar voice speak. Her eyes widened upon seeing Cirilla sitting there beside the Bennett witch. Her eyes teared up, she never thought she'd see Ciri again... her mother had said something awful had happened to her and her unborn child so seeing Cirilla in front of her was a shock "Ciri?"

Her voice made everyone look her way Bonnie looked indifferent personally the Bennett witch had nothing against the female original, while Elena and Damon both glared at the original, but the platinum blonde smiled, tearing up as well, upon seeing Rebekah "Bex?"

The original came up to the Calypso witch and crouched in front of her and gently laid a hand on her face almost as if her hand would go through her as if she was a ghost "oh my god, you're real..." a few tears fell down Rebekah's face and then she noticed the visible baby bump, and was concerned for her little unborn niece or nephew "is the little one okay?"

Cirilla who was also teary eyed reached up, wiped the tears from the girl's face before pulling the blonde original into a hug "yes Bex, the little one is okay, we're both okay... I am so happy to see you."

Rebekah hugged her back "as am I Ciri, as am I, but how are you here, how are you both here?"

They pulled away from the hug the others in the room watching in shock to see 'Barbie' Klaus as Damon took to calling her to get so emotional over the random girl they found in a coffin. "I don't know the specifics Bex, but someone placed me under a sleeping spell and I am guessing the spell preserved everything, including the baby... the first thing I did upon waking up, was check to make sure, that he or she was okay."

"Good, we should still get you an appointment for a physical check-up for the little one just to be completely sure that everything is all right."

Bonnie looked at Cirilla and smiled "you know what I can make the appointment I know just the doctor and if I make the appointment nowish, she should probably be able to see you tomorrow how does that sound?"

Cirilla smiled at her "sounds all right to me as long as Bex can come."

Ciri looked at the original who smiled at her her "of course, I'll come with you Ciri."

Bonnie nodded like I mentioned she had no real issue with the female Mikaelson "okay, sure." Then she pulled out her phone and called the one Doctor that she knew could help out on such short notice, Dr. Jordin Gilbert, Elena's aunt who knew about the supernatural and was also a vampire, Jordin was just about the only vampire that Bonnie trusted besides Caroline. Bonnie hung up the phone "all right, tomorrow at noon, she can work you in."

Rebekah had taken the seat on the other side of Ciri, the Calypso witch looked at her future sister-in-law, "where is Kol?"

The blonde original sighed, she knew that Ciri was going to ask at some point "indisposed at the moment..." she smirked at the platinum blonde in a teasing manner "but maybe, just maybe, you can guilt trip Nik when he gets back into changing that."

Ciri laid her head on Rebekah's shoulder, "doubtful but worth a try I suppose, Nik never was one to fall for guilt trips."

Rebekah chuckled "true, but maybe just this once it'll work. I do know that Kol is going to be so happy to see you."

Ciri smiled at the blonde original vampire, "I think your mother was the one who cast the sleeping spell I was under... it only makes sense for it to be her, Ayana wouldn't dare, she might have helped put the extra protection spell that Bonnie mentioned was on the outside of the coffin but she wouldn't have cast the sleeping spell."

"But why?" Rebekah questioned her curiously.

The platinum blonde sighed "she must have overheard me telling Ayana about the vision I had... I saw what she was planning on doing and of course I told Ayana straight away after the vision was over, I was going to warn Kol and the rest of you... she must have gotten to me as soon as I exited Ayana's, because I don't remember anything after that until I woke up in the cave earlier."

"She couldn't let you interfere... but didn't want to hurt you; so she just placed you under a sleeping spell instead."

Ciri nodded "that's what I've gathered as well Bex."

Damon gives the newcomer a suspicious look "okay wait a damn minute, how do you know each other... if blondie number two just came out of a sleeping spell and blondie number one has been daggered until a few weeks ago?"

Elena nodded "I was wondering about that as well."

Ciri and Rebekah share a look and simultaneously roll their eyes, Bonnie on the other hand was putting the pieces together in her head. The originals were around a thousand years ago, and they were human back then so Cirilla must have known them before they turned, was the conclusion that Bonnie came to.

"Well if you use your brain and think about it, Cirilla was placed under the spell over a millenia ago, that's a thousand years and the originals were around then too but they were human, so it's rather obvious that Cirilla knew them in their human years."

Cirilla smiled at the Bennett witch while Rebekah gave her an impressed look. Not expecting her to have figured it out so quickly. 

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