Chapter Five

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Two Days after Cirilla's appointment was when Bonnie realized she couldn't avoid her friends any longer meaning that Elena called and requested both of their presences at the Boarding House.

Bonnie rolled her eyes, with a furrowed brow. 'When did Elena get so demanding?' Was the question on her mind. Bonnie stuck her head into the living room "Hey, Ciri."

The platinum blonde smiled at her, "Hey Bonnie, what's up?" The Bennett witch had been helping Ciri with adjusting to the 21st century, which included teaching her about the lingo and everything, the Calypso witch caught onto things rather quickly.

"Elena called and our presence has been requested at the Boarding House."

Ciri nodded with a snort "requested more like demanded." Bonnie laughed as well, the two witches had gotten closer in the time since Ciri woke from the sleeping spell. "All right then best not keep them waiting then."

Then the duo left the Bennett house and Bonnie drove towards the Boarding House. Bonnie glanced over at Ciri with a sigh "they're probably going to try and persuade you to help, you don't have to do anything unless you want to Ciri, so don't let them try and pressure you, I know how Damon gets so just a little heads up before we get there."

Ciri smiled at the Bennett witch, Bonnie had filled her in on what was going on over the last few days and Ciri understood where they were coming from but Nik was family and she protected her family so she would not agree to help them hurt him. "Thank you, Bonnie, they will realize sooner or later that the last people you want to make an enemy of are a Bennett and a Calypso, two of the most powerful bloodlines there are. Don't worry I'm not easily swayed and I'm protective of those I care about. Nik may have done some terrible things but in the end, he's family and I stand by my family."

Bonnie nodded at her as she pulled up in front of the house, The Bennett witch admired how protective Ciri was of those she considered family, Ciri had been telling her stories of her time with the Mikealsons when they were human and everything.

They got out of the car and Bonnie knocked on the door, and Elena opened the door smiling at the two, but it was a little forced "you came, thank you."

Ciri pursed her lips, she really disliked doppelgangers, "It's not like we really had much of a choice in being here or not so why don't we just move this along and get to the point?"

Elena scowled at the platinum blonde, who looked unbothered by the look she was getting from the doppelganger and Elena let the two in and led them toward the living room, Where Damon was waiting for them.

Damon looked at the platinum blonde witch "all right then, you've had time to settle in, now you are going to answer some questions and maybe I let you walk out of here."

Ciri just gave him a look with a raised brow... "is that so?"

"Yeah, so what are you?"

Ciri just chuckled before she smirked at him, she really hadn't had any fun since she woke up but that was about to change. Her eyes glowed green as she used her telekinesis to make sure Damon couldn't use his vampire speed and surprise her "oh darling, slight little problem with your whole scheme here, and it's that, you literally know nothing of value about me, you have no idea what I am capable of and I answer to no one... and I am damn sure not going to let a doppelganger and a man, a baby vampire no less demand things from me..." she took a few steps towards them still keeping her distance so they can't hurt her or her baby, she wouldn't put it past Damon to try something like that, "Oh and honey I'm a Calypso and the last thing you want to make an enemy out of a Calypso, we are known for our rather nasty tempers... so here is the thing to get through your heads, I am not nor will I ever help you hurt someone I consider family. So good luck with that we're done here." then she flicked her wrist and Damon's head snapped to the side as she broke his neck.

Bonnie smirked, a proud gleam in her eyes "So I guess we're done here then?"

Ciri nodded as her eyes faded back to blue as she released her telekinetic hold on Damon and Elena. Elena looked at Bonnie "But Bonnie..." The doppelganger was sure that her best friend would agree with her and make the blonde help them.

The Bennett witch shrugged, unbothered  "you heard her Elena she doesn't want to help, I'm not going to force her to do something if she doesn't want to." then the two witches left the Boarding House. "So you want to stop by the grill and get some food?"

Ciri smiled at Bonnie and nodded "sure."

Bonnie pulled up to the grill and the two made their way inside and sat down in one of the booths. Caroline who had been talking to Matt smiled seeing her best friend and approached the table making Bonnie scoot over "Hi, Bonnie I haven't seen you in a few days what's going on?"

"Hello, Caroline, sorry I've been busy but I would like to introduce you to someone, Ciri this is Caroline she is my best friend, and Caroline this is my new friend Cirilla."

Caroline grinned at the new blonde "HI I am Caroline Forbes, it's a pleasure to meet you Cirilla, that's a very pretty and unique name." Ciri shook her hand, seeing everything that happened leading up to Caroline becoming a vampire.

"Hello Caroline, it's pleasure to meet you as well, and thank you, but it was a little more common from my time and I'm very sorry about what happened to you, no one deserves to have their choices taken away like that."

Caroline gave her a weird look "what?"

Ciri chuckled "sorry, it's a witch thing, when we touch a vampire for the first time we can see what happens leading up to them being turned."

Caroline nodded more understanding now "ahh okay so you're a witch like Bonnie?"

Ciri nodded "I am, it's a long story but maybe you could join us and we could get to know each other a little better?"

The blonde vampire smiled at her, Caroline already liked her "sure if both of you are okay with this?"

Bonnie smiled "of course Care."

"Then it's settled I'll join the two of you and Cirilla and I can get to know each other better."

"I have a feeling that we are going to be great friends so you can call me Ciri, those close to me do." Caroline grinned at her as Matt approached the booth and took their orders and the girls made small talk after he walked away. Returning a little while later with their food.

After he left the three girls alone again Caroline looked at Ciri "so Ciri how did you and Bonnie meet?" The platinum blonde smiled at the vampire and then explained everything to her quietly so as not to draw attention to their conversation.

After she finished explaining Caroline looked at her "wow that's a lot."

Ciri chuckled "yeah but you asked so to answer the question you had to get the whole story." the three girls laughed and spent much of the afternoon at the grill. 

Not My favorite chapter thus far, but we did get Caroline added into the mix and she's going to absolutely adore Ciri and see her as an older sister.

Also the Quartet that is going to be Ciri, Bex, Bonnie and Caroline >>>> they are going to be chaotic as fuck just a little fore warning XD.

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