Chapter Eight

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It was the day of the Homecoming dance and the four girls were getting ready for the dance at the Bennett household just as Bonnie had said they could.

Rebekah was helping Ciri into her dress, "You know I really can't wait for Nik to see you... I know I've said it before, but his reaction is going to be so priceless."

Ciri just laughed at the words of the blonde original, she knew that Rebekah was right, though. Bonnie and Caroline both laughed as well since they had been keyed into everything that was going on by Rebekah, that she knew about at least.

Meanwhile, at the Boarding house as the four girls were getting ready at Bonnie's.

Stefan was pacing the floor of the living room; they didn't know how they were going to finish their plans with Rebekah refusing to help them kill Klaus.

They were discussing the plan; none of the other three seemed bothered that without Rebekah on board, things could go horribly wrong. Neither Damon nor Elena seemed to notice Stefan's unease as they discussed the plan with Mikael.

Finally, Elena stuck the dagger in Mikael's chest as part of the plan, and they turned to Stefan to make the call to Klaus since it was he who was under the compulsion.

The younger Salvatore made the call with Klaus answering and talking about how fantastic Portland was this time of year and about his journey of finding Werewolves, Stefan let him talk for a minute before breaking the news, "Your father is dead."

"What did you just say to me?"

"Oh, my mistake. Not your actual father and not dead. Mikael. Daggered. What do you want me to do with the body?"

Klaus was suspicious of them, as he should be, "Well, first I want you to explain to me exactly what happened."

And so Stefan explained the story that they had discussed earlier, Klaus was quiet for a moment Stefan had finished explaining, "I wanna see him. I want to see his rotting body for myself."

"Well, he is here. Come by whenever." Stefan told him.

"If you are lying to me, Stefan, your compulsion will expose you. So, answer with your life: Is what you are saying the truth?"

"It's true. I saw it with my own eyes."

Klaus was still suspicious of them, which is exactly why he asked to speak to his sister, "I wanna talk to Rebekah."

"Well the issue with that is that she is not here, currently, she left a few hours ago, and went to get ready for the Homecoming dance tonight at a friend's house, though she wouldn't say what friend that was."

Klaus narrowed his eyes slightly, a little more suspicious of them now, "Fine, I will call her myself then." and then he hung the phone up before Stefan could say another word.

"Well, he wants to see the body, but he also wants to talk to Rebekah." they all shared a look at that knowing that could be bad if she were to mention their plan to him, but they didn't know where she went just like Stefan had told Klaus.


Rebekah had just finished up Ciri's hair and makeup, "Oh you look so gorgeous Ciri I wish Kol were here to see you..." her phone rang before Ciri had the chance to answer her, but the blonde witch also wished Kol was there with her.

"Nik what's going on?" was the first thing that Rebekah said upon answering the phone.

Klaus was a little surprised that she answered, he had thought they daggered her or something when they wouldn't let him speak with her, "What is this I hear about Mikael's tragic run-in with a dagger?"

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