Chapter Four

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As Bonnie was driving, with Ciri in the passenger seat and Rebekah in the back, the Mikaelson girl looked at Ciri, so what was it that you said you would explain to me later?"

Ciri sighed "I had a dream last night and I saw Kol and he looked so surprised and I don't think he knew that it was real, and I woke up before I could explain it to him, so now he probably thinks that it was just a figment of his unconscious mind and the pain that I saw in his eyes, it broke my heart seeing him in so much pain..." Ciri trailed off.

Rebekah nodded in understanding she knew how much losing Ciri had hurt her brother, "I won't lie to you Ciri, he went off the rails after what we were told, the heightened emotions of just being turned didn't help the situation either... you were his world, his everything, losing you made him spiral down a dark path."

Ciri sighed "I just hope it happens again and that I can tell him the truth that I am real, that I will be there when Nik undaggers him."

Rebekah gave her a smile, she really hoped that having Ciri back would calm her brother down and that a little of his old self would resurface. The one that she didn't mind being around.

Bonnie kept quiet during that conversation since it had nothing to do with her, but she smiled as she glanced over at the platinum blonde. She really didn't understand how the woman that she had just met the day prior had given her such a sense of belonging in such a short amount of time. But then she figured it must be because of the spell her ancestor Ayana had done.

Bonnie had gotten to know Rebekah a little better on their way to the mall in the next town over from Mystic Falls it was a little bigger so had a bigger selection of stores and things. It had taken them about 30 minutes to get there.

Cirillia looked around at everything almost in awe since she had never seen so many gigantic buildings or houses like this, Rebekah and Bonnie both smiled at the look on Ciri's face as they made their way into the mall.

The blonde Original looped her arm through her future sister-in-laws "okay so we will get you some clothes first and then we can get some baby stuff to so you'll have it when you have the baby."

Bonnie nodded at the platinum blonde "Like Rebekah said that is a good place to start and then we can pick up so stuff so you can decorate your room if you want, make it feel more like home for you."

Ciri smiled at the two "okay then lead the way, sounds good to me."

With that, the trio set out to get Ciri some cute maternity clothes and they pretty much got her a whole new wardrobe of normal clothes as well as the maternity clothes, after they finished getting Ciri's clothes. They set out to a baby shop, buying things for the baby, and when I say buying I mean Rebekah compelled them everything, and if she couldn't because of the people around them she used her brother's credit card which he gave her when they went shopping in Chicago, and she just coincidentally 'forgot' to give it back to him.

They spend three hours buying Ciri's new wardrobe and things for the baby, they were currently eating lunch in the food court of the mall and then were going to get some decorations that Ciri liked to decorate her new bedroom in Bonnie's house.

After they finished with lunch, the trio was off again, Ciri was enjoying herself, she quite liked this century and all of the different styles of things, it was fascinating to her. They went into a few different home decor stores and Ciri found a bunch of stuff that she liked and they got them all. They were at the mall for another two hours before they called it a day and headed back to Mystic Falls.

Bonnie dropped Rebekah off at the Boarding House, and the Original smiled at Ciri, I will come by tomorrow, if it's okay with Bonnie, it is her house and we get started decorating your room Ciri."

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