The shadow realm

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The ship sailed towards the shadow realm as you watched Thor talk to Axl. Valkyrie every so often tickled thors nose with the ends of her braids as he would swat them away.

Thor came back into reality with a grunt as he itched his nose.

"How are The children?" You asked him.

"As you can imagine, they're a little bit scared because they're kids, but I told them that everything is going to plan," Thor told you guys.

"Oh, so you lied to them?" Valkyrie said

"We still have a plan?" Jane asked.

"Yes there's a plan" "There's no plan," Thor and Valkyrie said at the same time.

"There is a plan."

"No. there's no plan. We failed to raise a god army, korg is dead."

"He's not dead"

"I'm not dead"

"Eh well, he's a head. And you, you got properly humiliated."

"No, I got properly naked, which I am okay with. Jane?"

"I- I was okay with it?" She said slightly concerned.


"I loved it."


"Nothing I haven't seen before"

Jane and Valkyrie quickly looked at you for a moment before Valkyrie continued. "The point is, we Are going into the shadow realm weaker than we were before. I mean, we're going to die."

"No one's gonna die okay? Everything is fine. We did great back there. We killed Zeus!"

"You killed Zeus," You said to Thor.

"I mean that may or may not be catastrophic for the whole universe, and sure, the entire god kingdom is probably going to hunt us down for the rest of our days, but listen, you stole this beautiful weapon," Thor told her as he picked up thunderbolt from the counter.

"All right? This is the army right here. It's sleek it's slender, it's powerful, it's beautiful-" Thor got interrupted by Stormbreaker rumbling before lightning shot out of it, making the ship quickly shake for a moment.

"Ah, for you- I love it for You Valkyrie. I mean it's not really what I'm into cause I've got my weapon out there. I'll back right back" he said as he went out to Stormbreaker.

"Poor Thor he's had enough stress on him," Valkyrie said taking a sip of beer. "He's finally found happiness after losing his whole family, finding the love of his life," she said pointing to you. "And if gorr gets to eternity before us then he, and every other god in the universe will be gone."

"Well, we're not going to let that happen," Jane said putting Mjolnir down next to you. "Thor told us that there's a key that gorr needs to get to eternity. If we find out what that is then we won't let gorr anywhere near it." Jane told us.

"Exactly!" Valkyrie yelled out. "But whatever it is, it's bloody powerful," Valkyrie said, thinking for a minute. "Y/n, you have the power to destroy an infinity stone right?" Valkyrie asked you.

"Yeah, only because I got my powers enhanced from the mind stone like Wanda," you said to her, quickly looking down at Mjolnir as it shook and glowed slightly at your feet.

"Well if you have the capability of that, then why can't you destroy the key when we find it?" She said shrugging her shoulders.

"That's not a bad idea" Jane exclaimed.

"It's honestly not. That's if we even find it before gorr, but if we do, I'll do it." You told the girls, getting up from your seat and walking to the front of the shop over to Thor.

"Hi love," Thor said as he noticed you, pulling you in and placing a kiss on the top of your head.

"Hey" you replied looking up at him. "Gorr, he needs that key to get to eternity right?" You asked him.

"Yes, but so far we don't know what it is" he replied as he sighed "it must be something connected to me though, why else would he take the Asgardian children?" He said wrapping his arms over your shoulders and swaying you said to side as your back touched his front.

You thought for a moment, there had to be a reason gorr took the Asgardian children. He wouldn't focus on Thor so much if he just wanted to kill him, he would be able to do it with eternity, there had to be a bigger reason.

"Well, we need to figure out what it is and fast. Because the girls and I got the idea if I'm powerful enough, I can destroy that key so gorr can't get to eternity."

Thor spun you around so you were facing him again. "Y/n, wouldn't that be too dangerous for you? I don't want anything happing to you." He told you.

You gave him a quick, unamused look. It was honestly sweet that he was still so worried about your safety even if you were one of the most powerful people in the world.

"No no no! I don't mean it like that! I just don't want you to get hurt that's all...I can't lose you" he said to you.

"And you won't," you said reaching up to give him a kiss.

"Hey. We're here" Valkyrie and Jane came out with korg interrupting you guys.

You watched as the huge planet in front of you quickly grew closer as the color around you started to fade. You started at your hands and arms as all the color drained from them.

You looked at the smaller planet ahead of you before the goats crashed right into it before screaming again, the ship falling to the surface with a thud as you held on tightly to the rails.

You four got out, leaving korg in the ship, and walked around the planet. You stopped as you noticed the cage the kids were in, but it was too late.

The kids were gone.

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