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Wednesday had sat at the first booth near the door. A mistake if you ask me, but she sat on the opposite side so she was able to see who was coming into the cafe. Since she was in control of the situation I sat with my back facing the door because I knew she wouldn't scoot over for me. Tyler came over giving Wednesday her quad in a small little white cup with a saucer under it. We sat in silence as I watched cars drive past the water from the rain flinging from vehicles' tires. I heard the sound of the door opening behind me, but Wednesday didn't seem to be alerted, so I didn't turn to look.

"What are a couple of Nevermore freaks doing out in the wild?" I glanced over to see three boys in pilgrim outfits. One was a darker-skinned boy while the other two were fair-skinned. Why were they dressed as pilgrims?

"This is our booth?" Another one of them said pointing to the table.

"Why are you dressed like religious fanatics?" Wednesday asked. I turned in the booth slightly so I was facing the three boys.

"We're pilgrims." The third boy sassed. Same difference.

"Potatoe, po-tah-to." She muttered.

"We work at pilgrim world," The first boy said flipping over the paper that was on the table. Pilgrim world. Wednesday pulled the paper towards her as I leaned on the table trying to read it upside down.

"Waste." I breathed sitting back in my booth once more.

"It takes a special kind of stupid to devote an entire theme park to zealots responsible for mass genocide." She glanced over the bland paper once more.

"My dad owns pilgrim world. Who you calling stupid?" The first boy hissed once more. I tilted my head at him.

"Well, your father apparently," I muttered. The three boys glared down at us.

"If the buckles shoe fits," Wednesday added.

"Guys back off." Tyler grabbed the second boy shoving him slightly. I slid out of my seat, my limps twitching for contact.

"Stay out of this Galpin." The first boy snapped at him.

"Yeah, stay out of this," Wednesday added getting up as well. I couldn't help but smile, this was my favorite part.

"So tell me freaks, you ever been with a normie?" He asked. I was a little taken aback by the question. It didn't seem to have any relevance to what was at hand.

"I've never found one that could handle me," Wednesday said. I just shrugged.

"Too boring to catch my interest," I added. I wasn't lying either. Normies didn't have anything that made them stand out to me. They would just see me as something to fear, or they would just try to use me in some kind of joke. Either way, it was best to steer clear.

"Boo." Wednesday leaned towards the dark-skinned boy scarring him.

"Hey!" I stepped forward, as one grabbed Wednesday's shoulder yanking her back. Swinging my hand out I hit the dark-skinned boy in the face. I dodged just in time with Wednesday as the third boy came through punching the dark-skinned boy once more making him stumble back. I stuck my foot out as Wednesday yanked the other kid around knocking the two boys together. She kicked him from over her shoulder with her boot, his legs catching on my foot as he hit the floor as well. My skin was alit with energy. I could feel the waves of it coming and going. The third boy swung at Wednesday over and over only catching air. I tensed my fingers zapping the boy catching him off guard for a moment while Wednesday spun around and kicked him in the face. We looked around at the three boys seeing them groaning on the floor holding their faces.

"So where do you learn those kung fu moves?" Tyler asked approaching us slowly.

"My uncle taught me." She added. "He spent five years in a Tibetan Monastery."

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