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After I made it back to the academy. I realized that everyone was settling down. It was going to be nightfall soon, so I guess they were all getting ready to go to sleep. I took a shower scrubbing the paint residue off my face. It took me a while because I stood in the shower for a while letting the water run off my skin. It was the closest feeling I got when I sat in the pouring rain. Also, the warmth made me want to fall asleep. Eventually, I got out noticing that I still had his clothes with me. I groaned shoving my face into a towel.

I was surprised Wednesday wasn't in the room already. The parents have to stay in separate quarters since there are only so many dorms for the students. Most of them actually stayed off the campus in a hotel or something near Jericho. Enid gave us a slight run down since this was our first Parents' Weekend. Enid was there though. She had her headphone on moving her feet back and forth in the air. I moved to my side of the room and set Xavier's close at the foot of my bed.

"OMG!" Enid yelled. "Where have you been all day?" She ran over diving onto Wednesday's bed.

"I was out, why?" I asked her putting my uniform back in the closet.

"Gomez was arrested." I slowly looked at her.

"What?" I closed my eye for a moment. Gomez was arrested. "What did he do?"

"It was for that really old murder case." She added. "Yeah we were all sitting and eating and then all of a sudden Sheriff Galpin came in saying he was under arrest and then just took him." She threw her arms out.

"Where are Morticia and Wednesday?" I asked her shutting the closet door. This was Gomez first time actually staying in jail. He should be fine though, probably.

"I don't know. I have been spending the day with my judgemental mother." She complained as she played with the comforter on Wednesday's bed.

"So Gomez is in jail and the other two are missing. Pugsley must be with Lurch then." I muttered.

"Whose clothes are those?" She asked, but I ignored her.

"Either they are trying to break him out or clear his name." Enid kept asking me something, but I was ignoring her. I reached under my bed grabbing the box I kept my phone in. "Enid, do you know Sheriff Galpin's number?" I asked her.

"I knew you had a phone!" She stood up pointing at it. I pulled it out rolling my eyes.

"Yes I do, now do you have his number?" I asked her. She patted her side realizing she left her phone on the other side of the room.

"I don't know his personal one, but I know Jericho police department." She muttered rushing to her bed.

"Okay, great I need that," I told her.

"Uh, why?" She asked moving back towards me with her phone.

"I need to know if they have Gomez in holding and if the other two are arrested yet," I explained pulling up my phone app. I was ready for the number, but she was still struggling to find it. I was just going to ask about the Addams in lock up and see who they say. If they weren't back yet either they were planning or they were caught.

"Okay, here." She handed me her phone moving away from me. I typed the number in quickly and called. The phone rang a few times, but someone finally picked up.

"Jericho Police Department." A woman answered.

"Hello This is Branwen Addams. May I speak to my family member?" I asked her. She was silent for a moment, and the sound of keys tapping echoed through the phone.

"Which one miss?" She asked. "Morticia and Wednesday Addams are the only ones who are allowed to receive phone calls at this time." She told me.

"Wednesday Addams," I told her. I looked over and Enid was holding up the paint-covered shirt. She had her mouth wide open.

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