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The paper didn't say who was in the clubs it only had them listed. We walked up to Xavier as he released an arrow. He hit the outer light blue ring. It wasn't awful, but he definitely would be killing anyone with that kind of accuracy. He looked over his shoulder chuckling when he noticed up.

"You actually showed up," He smirked at the target. "Either of you ever shot a bow and arrow before?"

"Only on live targets," Wednesday answered.

"At my cousin," I smirked staring at the target. Pugsley actually. I made him put apples on his shoulders and head. He had a very flat head. Xavier raised his eyebrows for a moment.

"Okay," He picked up another arrow holding it in his hand. He replanted his feet. "Square stance. Load the arrow like this, yellow side out." He knocked the arrow laying the bow flat so we could see the colors. "Three fingers." He bent the three covered fingers he had. "Pull back and," He raised the bow drawing the string until he let go. He hit the outer light blue ring. This time it was higher on the target, but still too far from the center. "Let it fly." He dropped the bow at his side.

"Any questions?" He asked looking back towards us. 

"When is the last time you saw your roommate Rowan?" Wednesday asked. I leaned forward gently taking the bow from Xavier's hand as he watched me. I ignored his gaze as I pulled an arrow from the hay and knocked it. 

"Oh, you mean the one that was killed by a monster?" Xavier teased. I rolled my eyes stepping between the two of them as I raised the bow, drawing the string and letting it go. I hit the target dead center. Looking over my shoulder I saw Xavier staring at my perfect shot. I held the bow out to him as he took it once more, loading the arrow slower this time. "The harvest festival, I haven't talked to him since. But his side of the room was all packed up this morning. Rowan's always been a little off, but, uh," Xavier shook his head. "The last couple of weeks he's been more erratic. You know, telekinesis can mess with your head, you know. He's started to freak me out." I know what he means. 

When we confronted Rowan that night and he started laughing. It was the sound of something psychotic. Almost like a mental break. It wasn't as fun feeling it in person rather than over TV or from afar. He drew the string back to the corner of his mouth, letting it go. The same blue ring. 

"So what the deal with you two and Tyler?" He asked lowering the bow. I stepped back allowing Wednesday to answer this since she seemed to be the one closest to Tyler. "Oh I'm sorry were you the only one who got to ask nonarchery questions?" 

"He's just a pawn," I answered automatically. Furrowing my brows I turned away from him. what the hell was that? I could feel Wednesday's eyes on me as well, but I didn't have an answer right now.

"There is no deal, he was doing us a favor by driving us out of town," Wednesday explained. 

"Yeah, word of advice." He said handing her a bow and arrow. "Steer clear."  

"Why because he is a normie?" Wednesday asked.

"Because Tyler and his friends are a bunch of jerks." He said looking at me. I tried to hold eye contact, but I couldn't. Everything was getting under my skin right now. I felt readable, vulnerable even. Instead, I crossed my hands over my chest sighting. "They can't stand that this school's propping up their podunk town." 

"Says the boy whose life was served to him on a silver platter." Wednesday knocked and arrow. Why did she suddenly feel the need to become so defensive? I mean she wasn't wrong, but still. There was a lot of unspoken emotion coming from her. It was clear, but maybe only to me. 

"Hey you know, girls in glass houses-"

"Should throw bigger stones." She grabbed an apple stepping in front of us. I heard Xavier scoff as he moved beside me. "At least I am not an elitist snob." She tossed the apple into the air drawing back the string and releasing the arrow. Perfect shot. The arrow had pierced through the apple and hit the center target. the apple had pushed my arrow through the back of the straw target, allowing hers to sit proudly. 

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