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Enid was trying to smother me. It started to get on my nerves, so I decided that I would go to Xavier's room. At least I wouldn't have to deal with Wednesday coming back from her date and  Enid asking questions about it. I was in the main hall trying to hide as I made my way over to the boys' dorms. Heavy breathing and quiet steps came down the hall. I watched as Wednesday rushed down the hall. I stepped in front of her catching her off guard. Something has her riled up.

"Tyler is the hyde." Wednesday breathed. I stood there for a moment not completely sure I heard what she said correctly.

"What?" I furrowed my brows.

"Tyler is the hyde." She said once again. Tyler Galpin. The sheriff's son. A normie. Well, I guess not a normie anymore.

"How do you know?" I asked her. She liked to go around the town accusing random people who she finds suspicious. So I was going to need something more. I was still livid with her, but I think it's about time I used her for my own benefit. She puts Tyler in jail and I can get Xavier back without making him have to flee for the rest of his life.

"I had a vision when he kissed me." She swallowed looking around the hallway. Three words were on the tip of my tongue. I have never been a petty person. that was a lie.

"I told you." I threw the words back in her face. She paused staring at the floor. "You were wrong, I told you that and you didn't listen. You don't care about anyone else's opinion except yours. Ya know," I sighed aggressively rubbing my hair back from my face. 

"All the evidence pointed to him." Wednesday interrupted.

"I wasn't finished." I hissed taking a step towards her. "Yes, everything pointed to him, but it was too easy. To obvious. He was the main suspect the whole time, but what about the DNA test that wasn't a match? You just looked right over that." I glared at her. "Do you know who his master is?" I asked.

"Kinbott." She muttered. I had an inkling she wasn't right, but Kinbott was dead anyways. "Tomorrow night, I can ask him to meet and we can catch him off guard." She planned.

"Just you and me?" I asked her keeping my distance.

"I'll grab the Nightshades." She planned. "We can bring him to the art shed." I ran my tongue over my teeth restraining my anger. I had won, I didn't need to start an argument if she can get me what I want. Xavier. I just nodded moving past her.

"Where are you going?" She asked me. I didn't stop. Didn't answer. When I got to the boy's hall the housemaster wasn't there, so I easily got up the stairs. His door may not be unlocked, it better be unlocked for the door's sake. Turning the knob I felt the door move back. I hit the light switch near the door closing it behind me. His room was clean, as always. I moved across the room to his closet pulling out another hoodie. It hung low covering my shorts. I ran my hand over his desk, seeing his sketchbook still in the same place. His other drawings were placed on the bulletin board above the desk. I smiled seeing a few sketches of me. They were quick sketches that he had done in class. I could tell by the different colors of the paper. A few had words on them. 

I opened his sketchbook flipping through the pages once more. The beginning sketches were the same as before until I got to mine. Well, the ones he did of me. I pulled the chair out sitting down as I held the book in my lap flipping through it. He tried to get me to draw or attempt to draw. It did not end well. I broke the tip off his pencil because I was impatient. He just laughed at me and when I would glare at him he would act like he was very focused on homework. He had the drawing pinned to his board. I paused letting the page fall over. It was us. Xavier and me. We were wrapped in each other's arms. I laid the book on the table staring at it. Wrapping my arms around myself. I looked at all the pictures. I didn't know how, but I was getting him out.

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