Love me, Leave me (Chapter 8)

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Right. So here's the next chapter. Hope you like it.

Any suggestions? 

Well, I better get writing. :P


She hated shopping. She really did. She hated it because she sucked at it. Big time. She was sure she was one of the only girls in the whole world that just couldn't make up their mind. She would spend hours looking for the perfect dress. That's why she always brought some of her girlfriends with her. She hadn't made any real friends yet so she didn't know who to call.

She was going in alone.

She went into one of the dozens of clothes stores in town and moved from rack to rack looking at all the dresses. There was hundreds of them in all different colours and all different lengths and styles.For some girls this would be considered heaven. But to her it seemed like an endless hall of colours and frills. They blended into each other until she couldn't tell one from the other.

The sales assistant came over. She was a tall woman in her early to mid twenties and was made even taller in six inch stiletto boots. She had platinum blond hair that was almost white and was wearing a black uniform with a short skirt reaching a little bit over her mid thigh.

She looked Sarah up and down critically and Sarah could see the distaste in her eyes as she spoke.

"You need something?" she asked dispassionately. Sarah was going to say no but decided that she needed someones advice. She was getting nowhere herself.

"Um, I need a dress for a party." 

The sales assistant rolled her eyes like the question was stupid. To her it probably was.

"Naturally, but what type of dress are you looking for? Off the shoulder, strapless, sleeveless, frilly, plain, short, long...?" she asked. Sarah shrugged her shoulders at the woman and she began to look impatient.

"Well, there are a few costumers waiting for me. Call me when you've decided." she said strolling off and leaving Sarah alone in the sea of dresses. Sarah looked at the dresses and shook her head before pulling out her phone and dialing the only person who could help her. 

"Hello?" Daniel answered after the second ring.

"Hey Daniel? Could you put your mum on the phone. Tell her it's an emergency."


Diana walked into the shop ten minutes later and after about twenty minutes had the dress, jewelery and makeup all picked out and after paying for them they headed to a café to find something to eat.

After a while they headed back to the house and Diana helped bring in the bags. Sarah really didn't want to go to the party. She was getting more and more tensed up as the time passed by. At all the parties she had been to before she had known almost everyone. Now she knew nobody. She was going to hate it.

About an half hour before the party and a few naggings from Jase got her upstairs getting ready. She showered and dressed as slow as possible and ignored the rising excitement that joined the fear.

She remembered the feeling of loud music pounding through her until she felt it reached her soul. The feel of hundreds of people dancing along with her to the beat of an awesome song. It felt like a shot of adrenaline. It just really couldn't be explained. 

Love me, Leave me {Under Re-Construction}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon