Love me, Leave me (Chapter 3)

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  • Dedicated to faye


So here is chapter 3.

Sorry it took so long to write have exams and a lot of essays to write. 

Tell me what you think! :D



 "Daniel, Daniel Smith."

Those words repeated themselves over and over in her head as she stared at him in shock. It couldn't be him but it was. Daniel her once best friend who had always been a nice guy was now this...jerk! This was the guy she had looked up to as a child standing in front of her giving her a very seductive grin. How had he changed so much? 

He brought her out of her thoughts by speaking again.

"And you?" he asked referring to her name. Should she tell him? How would he react if she did? these questions went through her mind before she decided. She took a step forward and spoke softly.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." then she turned and walked over to her bike at the line and mounted it like all the other racers were. The race would begin in a minute or two. Daniel got on his bike which was beside hers. She barely noticed him as she went full on competitive mode.

"Racers get ready." the man who had taken her money said loudly and they all readied themselves for the race. She glanced at Daniel who winked at her. She shook her head. Cocky much? She watched all the other racers getting ready and turned back to him as he spoke again.

"Good luck babe, your gonna need all you can get." he said before putting his helmet back on. She laughed and he looked at her again.

" You can keep your luck, I don't need it, I got mad skills on my side."  she started the engine and revved the bike to make her point. She heard him chuckle softly before the man spoke again. Telling them when to start. This was it. Time to put her skills to the test and make Pierre proud.

"On your marks...GET SET.....RACE!!!!!!

Everyone started at once, the rev of the engines deafeningly loud as they raced forward and began the race. She glanced quickly at Daniel just in time to see him overtake her. She shook her head, he wouldn't be ahead for long.

She pumped the clutch and shifted gears as they came to the first corner and leaned into the handlebar. She delayed the apex and positioned the bike towards the outside edge of the corner as she trail braked to the apex and accelerated early reaching maximum speed on the straight. She had overtaken Daniel but not by much, she could see him right behind her in the side mirror. The next corner didn't seem to difficult and she didn't delay it this time.

There was two guys in front of her and the one just in front of her on a black Ducati monster S2R over-steered too much and the bike went spinning out of control right at the apex and went flying off the trail into the forest banging straight into a tree. She was now second and accelerated hard at the straight. Daniel didn't delay the apex either but didn't accelerate until a few seconds later than her and that put some space between them enough to make her comfortable but she didn't let her guard down. 

The next corner was like the first and she leaned into it perfectly but Daniel had chosen differently this time and closed the space between them until they were neck to neck. She twisted the throttle and sped down the straight and Daniel did the same. One minute she was an inch in front and the next he was. She growled. She would not let him win this race. There was still the guy in front of her but she and Daniel were right behind him. She just hoped he messed up at the corner.

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