Love me, Leave me (Chapter 5)

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Sorry it's been so long since I've last uploaded I've been busy with school tests and endless homework but I hope it's been worth the wait. :D

So here it is!!!!!

============== Daniel's car ( my dream car)================>


"Daniel!!! Come back!!!" She yelled running after him as he strolled carefree out to the carpark like nobody could stop him. 

He didn't stop when she called him, he didn't even glance back. She decided that there was only one way to stop him. She had used it endlessly when they were younger and he got into one of his moods. It had always worked then but she wasn't sure about it now. She wasn't sure about him now. He was the complete opposite of how she remembered him. He was a stranger.

She ran up to him and stood in his way so that he couldn't go any further. He looked at her and raised an eyebrow as she put her hands on his chest and looked up at him with a sad expression. She hoped it would work. She gulped and lowered her head.

"I....I'm sorry." she whispered but she knew he had heard her. She looked up at him and saw him realise what she was doing. He smirked and moved her out of the way before continuing towards a car at the end of the car park. Damn!! But when she saw his car her mouth dropped open and she stared at it.

It was a Ferrari F430 TuNero!!! Her all time favourite car, in the world!!!!! It was extremely expensive and she wouldn't be able to afford it in a dozen lifetimes. Yet here it was in the school car park shining beautifully as she stood there practically drooling over it.

All thoughts left her mind when Daniel opened the passenger door and waited for her to get in. This struck thoughts about how he had afforded the car. It definitely stood out in the parking lot as she looked around at the other beaten up cars. She stood still, watching him wait for her impatiently.

"You gonna get in any time soon?" he asked watching her stand there like an idiot. She instantly shook her head trying to convince herself that school was more important though it was a losing battle. Ditching school? She couldn't could she? Was he outta his mind?

"I can't ditch on my first day Daniel." she stated like it was obvious. He scoffed and shrugged.

"Fine be a goody goody. Hope you find the class OK." he replied sarcastically as he walked over to his door and got in. Goody goody? she'd show him who's goody goody. She walked over and got into the car without even glancing back. If she got caught she was definitely blaming him. She clicked the seatbelt into place and looked over at Daniel. He was grinning at her, glad to have gotten his way.

"Where are we going?" she asked as he started the car. The purr of the engine instantly soothing her as she relaxed into the black leather seat that was so comfortable she was debating whether she would be able to fall asleep sitting up or not. He looked over and smiled at her as they pulled out of the car park.

"  Hm, well is there anywhere in particular you'd like to go?" he asked as they turned onto the main road. She shrugged her shoulders. The last time she had been here she was 6. She didn't know the places to go. 

"Oh yeah sorry, forgot you don't actually know any of the places around here." he frowned while watching the road. He seemed to be thinking of something for a while before he instantly lit up. He turned to her and grinned, hesitating before he decided to tell her.

"I could show you some of the cool places around here." he asked and she immediately nodded. A tour of all the cool places sounded actually really appealing. 

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