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One guard gets out, pointing a gun at his head, showing him to clear out the road.

"Take me! I'll go instead of her!" Wesa screams.

The hound rolls his eyes, nodding.

"Look at him! Trying to be a good guy out here!" He points the gun at Wesa again. "Stand back, kid! I said stand back!"

"She's done nothing bad! Let her go! Please!" He pleads.

"Stand. Back."

I don't know how it would've ended if it wasn't for the other hounds intruding. And knowing Wesa... I had hoped that he would've stopped, given up and peacefully went home. But that... Wouldn't have been my Wesa.

"...Wait!" Sol jumps out of the car, imposingly walking up to them. "He wants to take her place? Am I right? If so... Just let him!"

Sol gestures for other hounds to bring me out of the car. When the two men holding me from both sides get out, I meet eyes with Wesa again. His deeply frightened expression softens, lips slightly tremble in a small smile. Sol unbuckles the gun on his belt and without any hesitation stretches it towards Wesa. Shocked, he hesitantly takes it, probably expecting any evil trick to happen from the hound's side by now.

Max seeing this, also gets out of the car.

"What are you doing?"

Sol doesn't pay any attention to him nor anyone else, toying with his new puppet.

"You can go instead of her or..." Sol sharply turns to throw a glance at me. "Finish her off right here in the head and no one from the village will have to go with us anywhere for a veryyy long time."

"...Sol! Are you insane?!" Max's alarmed voice cuts through the silence from all sides.

The pressure of the hands holding me loosens and I'm able to step away from them. I slowly walk up to Sol, stopping right in front of Wesa. His head lowered, gun trembles in his shaking hands.

"Please, Wesa... Go home. Take care of the village, your grandma, my mom and Nerilla."

Wesa suddenly freaks out, harshly looking up with hysterical eyes.

"No!!! Don't you understand?!! I won't survive without you here, you're my only family! Without you, I'm homeless!" He desperately screams, his eyes watering.

His words make me feel bitterly strange. Like my whole body's been put in a warm shower and instantly in the ice cube after that as the realisation of the whole situation hits me. I won't see my dear Wesa ever again. No one comes back from the hounds exile. This is the last time I'm seeing his beautiful face, his kind and warm like sun rays dark eyes. I would've given everything right now to just get one of his hugs for the last time. Feel his usual lemon grass fragrance coming from his clothes.

"Ohh! How sweet!" Sol mimicking his tone, laughs. "I'm gonna cry now!"

In the blink of an eye, Wesa pulls forward, grabbing my hand.

"No!" He wants to pull me closer to him, but Sol instantly pushes him aside.

"So what, kiddo? Ready to go instead of this doll?"

Wesa stumbling backwards, silently sobs.

"Then get out of the way!" Sol rolls his eyes, pushing him hard in the chest.

Grabbing the gun back from his hands, Sol aims at Wesa again. Before I realise what is happening, the hound sends a bullet to Wesa's shoulder. Spitting on the ground, Sol turns to face me with a satisfied grin on his face.

"No!!!" I rush to where Wesa is laying in the forming blood puddle around him.

I fall to my knees near Wesa, applying pressure on his bleeding shoulder. Grabbing his face with my other hand, I cry, my tears uncontrollably falling on his pale face. I hear Sol cursing behind my back to take me away, but Max intrudes, persuading him to give me some time.

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