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I was close to Max. His rough palm was over mine, providing an unsettling sense of protection. Our proximity was due to a sudden and unexpected disturbance.

It was Sol. His routine of night duties had probably led him to us and my heart pounded mercilessly as I felt his hawk-like gaze on Max's hand, which hadn't moved from its place over mine.

"Evening, Sol," Max greeted nonchalantly, his tone contradicting the intensity of his grip on my hand.

"No, actually, what the hell are you two doing here?! Decided to go on a little night date?? Excuse me, but am I disturbing you somehow?!" Sol viciously barks.

His whistle echoed in the air. Two lean hounds appeared from the shadows, their eyes glinting in anticipation, patiently waiting for his commands.

The burly figure of Sol towered over me, his piercing eyes burning a hole in me. Max stood beside me, an expression of calm, serene acceptance blanketing his face. He too, was quietly observing the hounds and the rise of anger in their eyes.

"Did you release her, Max?!" Sol's voice broke the silence, as cold as the gusty wind whistling around us. His fiery glare didn't leave my face as he addressed Max. With a sharp gesture to one of the guards, he ordered, "Asa, take care of him."

Max sighed, his lips curving into a concealed smile as he walked up to meet Sol. I observed him reaching into his pocket, producing an object which he politely revealed to Sol. His voice was hushed so much so that the words blurred with the whistling wind. Sol's face reddened as he nodded in response. Completing their covert discussion, Max glanced back at me, his honey eyes reflecting warmth and kindness, and then he hesitated, sighed again, and made his exit.

I was left alone with Sol and his hounds, our connection snapped by the cold space between us. He approached me; an iciness seemed to surround him, more chilling than the wind itself. A sudden fear made me step back, my retreat finally stopped by a rough stone pillar standing firm behind me. I was cornered, captured and left alone in the presence of this man I barely knew.

A smirk filled with malevolence gradually began to appear on Sol's pale face; he clearly found pleasure in observing my fear. With renewed courage, I straightened my spine and force myself to meet his gaze. The smirk faded as he cursed under his breath. His brutish grip closed around my wrists and he snapped handcuffs on me, dialing in some numbers with a cold precision.

"No need to be so forceful." Gathering my waning courage, I managed to yank my hands out of his grip.

He froze for a second, his furious eyes boring into mine. "What made you think that you have any right to talk to me? Your place is in the cage, filthy animal."

Silently, we eyed each other, the frigid gusts serving as a reminder of the inevitable conflict ahead. With a malicious snarl, Sol lunged forward, jerking me by the handcuffs. What was to follow, I didn't know. But I couldn't help but wonder, why did Max leave me here? With these monsters...

The world blurred out to the sound of Sol's manic laughter and my desperate attempts to free myself from his relentless grip. I was sure of it then — the monsters were better off in cages. But I wasn't so sure who the real monsters were anymore.


There was a familiar chill in the air as we descended down the ladder, the polished steel rungs cold under our palms. We strode down that well-known corridor; my cell was near. The hum of machinery echoed faintly around us, an ever-present reminder of the dread insinuated by our surrounding.

Suddenly, the luminosity fluctuated. The long tube lights lining the ceiling flickered, casting an eeriness to the steel walls. Bang! Bang! The abrupt sounds of gunfire shattered the uncomfortable silence, resonating from the deck above.

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