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Tar and Von swiftly became my chatty companions. Their amusing bickering had a calming effect on me; there was some comfort to be found in the humdrum routine of their brotherly bond. They revealed they were part of the "climbers," a revered section of their camp, renowned for their fearless nature and excellent survival skills.

Located on the island's North, embraced by wild greenery and perched atop a sturdy plateau, they described their camp as a refuge for highly specialised groups. There were hunters, gatherers, builders, and healers. But there was a catch - newcomers like me risked not fitting into any of these sections, thus becoming 'sectionless,' banished from the intricate system forever. The horror of being cast out and left to my own devices in this unfamiliar wilderness sent chills rushing down my spine.

We took some rest by a sparkling spring, its water cold but refreshing. I asked my new companions about the fate of the unfortunate ones left out of the well-organized camp. Von hesitated before explaining, "The sectionless usually go to the eight other camps that are scattered across the island. If they survive in the wilderness on their own, that is. However, those camps aren't as structured as ours and are riddled with chaos. These camps are made by the sectionless themselves, by people who didn't fit anywhere - the useless. So, chaos is the norm, you see."

Chaos, it seemed, was the cost of being skill-less.

Taking their words to heart, I committed to honing my survival skills, determined to secure my place in the camp.

At that moment, Tar frowned and asked, "You said you found our cabin in the middle of the night... But how did you manage to survive the hallucinogenic mist? How are you even standing here?"

Hallucinogenic mist? What was he on about? I shrugged, too perplexed to respond.

She shared a look with Von before explaining, "As the sun sets, a mist descends from the mountains that causes hallucinations. That's why we call it a 'hallucinogenic mist'. It's not safe to be out in it."

I felt a chill run up my spine again as Tar added, "No one has survived even a night in the mist. We usually find them dead - throats pierced, heads bleeding or at the bottom of cliffs. The mist drives people to madness, death seems like an easy escape to them."

But I had spent a night out in the mist, and I hadn't hallucinated.

Suddenly, I realized the chilling paradox. The terrifying hallucinogenic mist seemed to target sane, logical minds. And my mind, well, it was anything but 'the norm'. My unique perspective of reality may just have saved my life, ensuring that I survived the initial wild night on this strange island.

My thoughts suddenly took a haunting turn. What about Max? Was he real, or was he an illusion conjured by the mist, or perhaps my own mind? But he'd guided me to the tree house and kept me safe. Mustering a weak smile, I realized what that situation personified - "Survival of the maddest". In this island of chaos, my peculiar mind was my strongest ally. I resolved once again, fiercely, that whatever it takes, I will survive this island madness in any way I can.

The gruff voice of Von, the seasoned climber, guided my steps on an arduous ascent up the jagged rocks. Sweat trickling into my eyes, I managed a breathless question, "Can I be a climber like you, Von?"

Tar chuckled, her burly arm reaching out to help steady me. "A climber?" she echoed, clearly amused by my naive proposal. "Your two hands seem weaker than one hand of our weakest climber. Sorry!" Her boisterous laughter echoed off the rocks, shaking my concentration and confidence.

Disappointed yet unyielding, I pressed on. "What should I do, then? Do you have any advice?" I asked, frowning for the first time.

Von pondered briefly, then suggested, "Maybe a new mapper? Do you read maps?"

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