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I tossed and turned in bed all night, my body restless and my mind plagued by a throbbing headache. It felt as though something was trapped inside my skull, desperately longing to break free. The pain was unbearable, and every attempt to find comfort seemed futile.

As I moaned in agony, Liv stirred from her slumber. Her voice, heavy with sleep, carried through the darkness. "Dee? Are you alright up there?"

I winced, grabbing hold of the wooden edge of my bed. "I can't... my head..." I managed to mumble, the pain twisting my words.

Tonight Max didn't visit my dreams... It was as if he, the enigmatic presence that had been haunting my dreams, had been silenced by the searing pain.

Concern washed over Liv's face as she switched on the bedside lamp. She leaned over me and placed a cool hand on my forehead. Her touch, normally soothing, sent a shiver down my spine. "You're freezing, Dee!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with worry. Ignoring my protest, she reached for a thermometer, Gen had borrowed the previous day, and took my temperature. "This isn't normal. We need to help you."

Without hesitation, Liv hastily left the cabin, returning moments later with a kettle of boiling water and a stack of warm towels. As she gently rubbed my face and arms, the warmth began to seep into my body, easing the frigid ache within. The care and devotion she showed overwhelmed me, and I felt an immense gratitude for her unwavering support.

"Thank you, Liv," I murmured with a weak smile. "...I don't know what I would do without you."

Her eyes filled with tears, Liv squeezed my hand. "We're in this together, Dee. No matter what happens, I'll always be here for you."

With her kind words echoing in my ears, I finally drifted into a much-needed sleep. The pain that had tormented me throughout the night began to subside, and in its place, a dreamless slumber awaited.

When I awoke the next morning, the remnants of my headache still lingered, but the intensity had diminished. Liv was already up, preparing for breakfast with an air of determination.

We ate breakfast in silence. Liv drank her tea by my side, and Fin sat across from us. He had managed to catch up with our schedule and join us. I no longer felt annoyed by his behavior, or the way he always looked at me with hope that our friendship could turn into something else. The more I got to know the people who inhabited our camp, the more Fin stood out as a genuine friend. I needed friends like him and Liv, or else I was afraid I wouldn't survive until spring.

As we sat there, enjoying our meager meal, a familiar voice broke through the quiet. "Looking awful today, flathead!" It was Vic, with his husky voice and his usual sarcastic tone. "Just one look at you and any appetite is gone."

Vic sauntered by our table, a sneer on his face as he discarded his plate and mug onto the counter. His eyes shot daggers at me and my friends, trying to provoke us. I sighed, ignoring him completely, but secretly frowning at his unnecessary hostility.

However, it was Fin who surprised me. I saw his fists tighten, his knuckles turning white. Liv noticed it too, glancing at me with concern. We both knew that Fin had a timid nature, and it seemed like Vic was pushing all the wrong buttons.

I reached out my hand gently, placing it on Fin's clenched fist. "It's not worth it," I whispered, hoping to calm him down. Fin looked at me with anger smoldering in his eyes, but he slowly relaxed his grip.

"Why someone who only trains in half his power eats that much?" A girl with a fiery red ponytail and vivid tattoos appeared behind us, her piercing blue eyes staring straight into Vic's soul. The intensity in her voice suggested that she was not one to be trifled with. I remembered her. She sat near me at Zar's guitar concert, her presence exuding an air of mystery and power. Fox was her name.

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