Square Ranked Cup, Main Tournament! Part 3

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From where we left off...
Your POV

"The match is over! So let's eat some snacks together!" Goggles says as Inkfall checked if he got dirty again. "You didn't get dirty Inkfall, I made sure of it" I say holding Goggles away from him. Goggles was happy being held. I then dump the special water on him too. "Get clean, you messy child" I say at him making him whine. But everyone was enjoying the snacks. I soon started moving with my Team as Emperor was heading the same direction. "Huh?" We both say to each other, pausing. "Where are you guys going?" Glasses asks seeing us leave. "We have a match, remember?" I say. "I have an interesting match to watch" Emperor says smirking. "Huh? Who-" I say as I realize who. "No way, don't tell me my match is at the same time as Prince's!?" I shout in shock, Emperor nods. "Nooooo! I wanted to cheer him on! I promised him!" I shout, looking sad, Cody pats my shoulder. "Welp looks like we can't watch it, I was sure curious who they went against" Toby says.

"I wanna watch it!" I whine. "The only way we can watch it if we speed run the match" Coby says giving an evil smile, I got an evil smirk. "Speed Run?" I say to him. "Speed run" Cody agrees. Toby blinks but then gave the deadpan look. "You guys seriously wanna see that match that much that we gotta speed run this?" Toby asks, we nod. "We're gonna be serious this go around" I say smirking, Cody stares. "I'm always serious" Cody says. "Since when, Cody?" I say. "Only in dangerous situations!" He says, I sigh as I felt a tug and I saw Akana. "Yeah?" I ask her. "We got this....let's win" she quietly said to me, I nod to her smirking. "You got that right" I say with a peace sign. "What do you mean!? Even in Dangerous situations your silly!?" Toby says to Cody, who just shrugs.

"And now for the next match! It's the most interesting one yet! Ladies and Gents!" Annaki says as Marina and Pearl head to the next area. "We are the MCs for this match!" Lily says. "Ah my friends are the announcers" I say as Toby looks at me. "You know Annaki and Lily?" He asks. "Yeah! I helped them out once, since then I've been friends with them" I say smirking. "Its still of course, Clam Blitz! And for our teams! Team NSP verses Team Gamer Lovers!" Lily says with a wink. "Gamer lovers? Gamer vs Gamer-let's wipe the floor with them" I say looking at my team. "Yeah! As fellow gamers, no mercy" Cody cheers. "And I'm gonna wipe the pavement!" Cody continues. "I'll make sure to support Cody" Toby says. "I'll make sure no one passes me to our goal" Akana says quietly. "Nah y'all go after the clams I'll guard the Goal, all by myself" I say everybody turns to look. "You alone?" Army asks shocked. "Yep I know what gear and weapon I plan to use" I say as I took a deep breath. "I'm sure you got this!" Toby says giving a thumbs up.

"I got the best way to keep them away!" Cody says as we all stare. "Oh? Like what?" Aloha asks him. "Distraction!" Cody says doing the imagination thing SpongeBob did. "Thats the obvious way" Toby respond. "That or Beees!?" Cody says. "Dude we aren't going to hospitalize them" I say. "Darn...." he says as he places a a small Bee Keeper down. "Holy shit! You had one!? I don't even wanna ask how" I say kinda disturbed. "You can never be too prepared!" Cody responds. "Cody, we can just drag out any enemies and Akana take them out from her spot" Toby says, Akana nods. "No! I get the Power Clam" Cody says to Toby. "So I'll keep making the power clams you guys just throw the regular Clams in after!" He says they nod.

"I'll be in the goal space making sure no one puts one clam in our goal" I say smirking. We all high-five each other. "Let's use Strategy Inkling Blitz" I say as they nod, Emperor knew what that meant being in Team Gambit. "You going to finally use that one?" Emperor asks getting Army and Glasses confused. "I want to watch both matches!" Goggles whined realizing that he won't be able to watch our match. "Why don't we all split up to watch both and some of us watch the streams again?" Headphones suggested. "Thats a good idea!" Glasses says. "Then who is staying for NSP?" Army asks. "I'll stay here, I want to see them in full on serious mode" Skull says. "I'll stay! I want to see them serious too!" Aloha says. "Hyuk, same here as a fellow gamer" Mask says, Army pouted. "All three of you? Then I can't stay, you guys must write down notes of this match for me!" Army says, Blue pat his shoulder, he looked. "Why don't you just stay, you can watch the stream for Prince's match, I'm planning to go over there to cheer my friend on" Blue says as puts a thumbs up. "Oh alright" Army says agreeing. "I'll stay to watch her match" we all turn to see Studio and his team. "Our match finished at the same time as S4's" he says. "Oh thats right!" I say realizing it. "Heh" he snickered. "I'll stay here to watch" Headphones says. "Me too!" Bobble says. "That means Goggles and I go to watch Prince's match" Glasses says as dragging Goggles who doesn't want to leave. "Noooooo! I wanna watch!" He whines.

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