Square King Ranked Cup, Round Two! Part 1

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Where we left off...
Your POV

"The second round will be splat zones!!" Marina announced, gaining everyone's attention. My instant head turn, I made a sinister smile. "Excellent, my favorite" I say. "It's like Zone Control!" Me and Cody cheer. "What?" Toby says as Akana stared the whole time. "Destiny Pvp gamemode" we both say. "Ah" Toby says. "Hahahaha" we heard someone laugh, and we looked in their direction. "You must be Team Blue-peror!!" The guy says. "We're going to defeat you!" They all say as they made a different pose. Myself, Cody, and Toby thought the same thing. 'They're like The Genyu Force' we thought as we made the faces of witnessing cringe. "What kind of weird team is that!?" Glasses yelled, confused.

Goggles and Bobble ended up joining them in the posing. "Fresh moves!" Goggles say. "Hahahaha! I know!" The guy says. "This is too much cringe. It's reminding me of the Ginyu Force, I can't" I say, looking away, Emperor making his way to me. "You alright?" He asks. "Oh no, I'm fine, it's just they remind me of characters from an anime, their poses are cringe" I say as Headphones look at me and agreed. "I agree" she says. "I oddly wanna do the Ginyu Force poses just to show them" Toby says. "Don't!" I yell. "If he does it, I'll join in" Cody adds. "Don't!" I yell again. "Don't encourage them!!" Glasses shouts. "We're super cool!" The leader says. "More like super lame...." I mutter, but he heard it and looked at me. "They're not lame! I'll show you! Get a load of this!" He says as he and his team pose more. 'They're being lame/silly' I thought with the others. "Watch, I'm the best!" Goggles say. "I stand corrected, Toby I rather see the Ginyu Force poses instead," I say to him, and he smiled. "I Got you!" He says as he and Cody do the poses of one of them while playing the song that goes with it. "......kill me" I mutter, cringing. "Oooh! Those are nice poses! Can you show us?" The leader asks Toby. "Oh sure, here you can do this pose" Toby says as he shows the other poses. "Oh no, they gonna do the Ginyu Force ones now" I say as Headphones got disturbed. "Is this normal?" Emperor asks. "No....I'm at a loss for words...." I say cringing.

"I wanna learn!" Goggles say as Bobble joins in. "Oh no...it has become a cult" I say, facepalming. "A cult?" Glasses asks, confused. "Don't worry about it..." I sigh. "They're good at being doofuses...." I say watching this unfold. "Your stance is off by an inch!" Toby states. "Is it? I thought it was right" Goggles says, confused. "No, it's like this" the leader of the other team says as he does it perfectly. "ENOUGH!" I shout, annoyed, and they all pause. "What's your team name anyway? All you've done was posing like weirdos" I ask. The team gasps. "We're not weirdos! And we're called Team Iromaki Rangers!" They say as they do another pose. "Wait a minute, you guys have different color shoes....oh my god, you're like the Power Rangers" I stated in disbelief. "Hahahaha, I see it! Red Ranger, Green Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and a Purple Ranger" Toby says, laughing, realizing it too. "Power Rangers?" They say curious. "Why am I hearing the Theme song, already heard it once I mentioned that...." I deadpanned myself. Cody pats my back. "It's okay, go go Power rangers!" Cody says as he and Toby become dorkier, I facepalm. "I've done this to myself" I say ashamed. Red Iromaki makes his way to me and pats my head, I look up to see him. "Seeing those two get into posing like that, Power Rangers must be cool" he says, I smile, remembering the times my brother binge watch the whole show. "Heh yeah, they're superheroes who save earth from evil forces in earth and out of it" I say, smiling.

"Superheroes!?" They say amazed, I nod. "Yeah, T-Ghost you got an image to share?" I ask him, he comes out of my bag. "Yes, give me a moment" he says as he splits and then shares a holographic photo of the Power Rangers. "Whooooaaaa" they say, amazed. "The Red Ranger is the leader, like you, Red," I say as he smiles. "Really?" He says as he admires the photo. "They do have a Yellow" Yellow says. "And Green!" Green says. "There's no Purple" Purple looked a bit sad. "Hey, that's fine, you can be the first" I say, making her smile. "Wait, no, there's a Purple Ranger. It's in Jungle Fury" Toby corrected. "Really?" She says excitedly. "Oh right, Jungle Fury is your favorite" I say as he nods. "How about this? If you can keep it a secret, I'll let you watch the show and movie they're from" I say. They immediately nod. "Cool, I'll like to have your number Red, so I can text you when I get a copy ready to give to you for a meet up" I say holding out your Octophone (you eventually changed the phone, but all contacts and data got transferred). "Oh, of course" Red says as he pulled out his Squidphone, we then exchanged numbers. "Thanks! I never thought the Menace was a hero fan" Red says. "You're free to call me (Y/n), I prefer not to be called by the title people gave me" I explained, to which he nodded. "I look forward to watching the shows and movie" he says as his teammates are also excited. "Heh" I smirk. "Jungle Fury is forever my favorite of the series" Toby says. "Well, I only like the Movie" I say. "The remake?" Toby asks. "Yes, the remake, their CGI was amazing for the Mecha scene" I say.

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