Square King Ranked Cup, Round Two! Part 2

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Where we left off....
Your POV

They soon saw me come out with my Roller. Double Egg stepped back, seeing my face. Vintage came out after with the other members of NSP. "Looks like it's time for a temporary recruiting....Toby go to Pearl and let her know the situation, Cody you and me gotta find someone to fill Akana's spot" I order and Toby nods running off. "Got it! That was shady! So we gotta later make that person regretting doing that!" Cody says cheery. "Want us to help?" Double Egg asks, I turn to him. "Sure, I need all the help I can get" I say as I see Goggles and the others come up. "(Y/n)!!" Goggles says, hugging me. "What's wrong?" Glasses asks. Skull and Rider noticed my pissed off expression. "Someone thought they be cute sabotaging Akana's weapon~ Now we have to find someone to replace her~!" I say in a cheerful tone that made everyone worried. "We'll help look with you who wouldn't want to join you guys!" Headphones says. "Okay, let's all search! We don't have a lot of time before we get forced a forfeit! And I'm no quitter!" I state as everyone ran off.

As we looked around, Vintage and the other members of X-Blood followed us and looked around the Lobby to see a potential replacement. "This gotta suckkkkk" I say, groaning. "Hey, don't sweat it! We'll be able to find someone!" Red-Sole states trying to cheer me up. "Wait! There's gotta be a way to see if I can-" I pause seeing someone looking oddly familiar by their vibe. I grabbed Cody's candy he had on hand and pulled out a Cinnamonroll Plushie. "My candy!!!!" Cody says whining. "Cody Shhhhh! I gotta fish a Bunny out. If my hunch this time is right, then Mochi isn't Bunny....and I gotta apologize to her next time I see her" I state as I shake the bag of candy, I saw the Octoling girl instantly turn her head to the sound. Sees me holding the bag of candy. She made a look but looks very sleepy but then noticed the plushie in my hand. "What are you doing? You look ridiculous" Vintage says, sighing. "Best Friend fishing, quiet" I say, making Vintage blink. We all saw the Octoling girl slowly make her way to us and grab the items once she's in front of me. "Hey Bunny" I say, smirking. "Bunny" stares at me, then the others. She looked at me like she was gonna bite the hell outta me but instead put her hand on my face. She then made a familiar noise she usually makes. I smile, looking like imma cry. She then gave me some candy, but I then hugged her before she could do anything.

"Okay, that's enough hugging. You're hugging a bit too long" "Bunny" says. "No! This is much needed" I say, crying into her Cardigan top. She just pats my back. Then she looks at Cody. "Cody" she says as she gets his attention. "Yeah?" He says, but then "Bunny" gives him the middle finger. "Fuck you" He stares then gives it right back her. "No fuck you!" They say to each other being silly. I shake my head. "Is her name actually Bunny?" Vintage spoke up, gaining our attention. I just looked at her, and she looked at me. "Ahh, it's just a nickname" "Bunny" says to him but then turns to me and whispers. "Who's the guy who looks like he's the missing member of the beetles?" I then smirk hearing that. "Hahaha! Beetles, good one!" I say to holding my stomach from laughing too hard. "Beetles?" Vintage squints. "Uh don't worry about it" she says as I fall on the ground laughing, Cody laughing at this as well. "Tch....that's rather rude" Vintage says, seeming rather irritated. "Bunny, this is Vintage. Vintage, this is Bunny" I say as she blinks and stares at him. "Wait, this is THE Vintage? Wooooow, I thought he would be cool, but he's looking like a candy bowl" she says as I cover my mouth from laughing. "What...." Vintage looking rather mad.

I pat Vintage's head, making him look at me. "Relax, man, but yeah, what's your name now? I figured you ain't going by your human name if you remember your past life like us" I ask. "I'm Catherine" she says. "Catherine? Cool, welp, I'll call you Bunny or Cathy then" I say, smiling at Catherine. "Catherine....that name does sound familiar" Vintage states but crosses his arms. "Oh yeah! Woman! I didn't fish you out for no reason! I need a member! Our fourth got their weapon sabotaged! She left to get her weapon fixed, but she's out of commission due to it! I've been waiting for you to appear! So can you?" I asked her, putting my hands on her shoulder. "Wait, I'm somebody's replacement?" She asks. "Nooooo! She was the placeholder for you until you appeared" I explained. "Hmmmmm...hmmm...I guess, the team I was supposed to join this tournament with stood me up so I can join you, but keep in mind I have the Clear Dapple Dualies" she says as I smile. "Yay! The whole team is back in action!" I say.

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