Glowering Daggers (smut)

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"Let. Me. Go."

Your voice hissed in the dark hallway devoid of any presence except for you and your captor.
Maybe it was your fault you ended up here. Maybe you had gone too far in your attempts to rile up your uncle. In your defence you were only siding up with your brothers as your uncle insulted them.
But never once you thought you'd end up like this ; pressed so dangerously close to Aemond, with his hands wrapped around your pulsating throat as he looked at you with a menacing grin.
" Why should I,my dear niece?" His deep voice drawled out. "Give me one reason why I should not slash your eye out as a payment for what your little cunt of a brother did to me." He spat out, venom lacing his words.

"If you wish to do that then get done with. What the fuck are you waiting for you coward." You retorted with equal animosity to match his. "Why stop at eye, why not slash out my throat while you're at it."

His face was illuminated only by the faint flickering light of distant torches. The dance of light and shadows making his violet eye look like a raging tempest.
Aemond unsheathed his knife with a movement so swift, you would've have missed if you blinked.
He twirled the knife around in elegant circles, the gleam of the blade flashing in your eyes. You watched his long fingers works their way around the hilt in a way that made the dagger seem like an extension of his own being, that he could control by mere will of his mind.
Even while your life was at a mercy of the white maned prince's hands, you couldn't help but admire his mesmerizing skills.
Aemond seemed to have deciphered your thoughts as was evident from his cocky smirk. He brought the tip of the blade just below your chin, lifting your face up to get your attention back at his face.
Your breathing quickened, but to your horror you weren't scared, you were thrilled.
He dragged the blade painfully slow towards your bottom lip with just enough pressure to cause slight pain but not pierce your skin.
His eye set on your plump lip as his dagger dented it's middle.

Aemond could've killed you right there, but the only thing that was going through his mind was your intoxicatingly sweet smell. He willed his mind to hate you with every fiber in his body, but to no avail. With each passing day he seemed to grow more and more obsessed with his own niece. As much as he loathed your bastard brothers, he couldn't harbour the same feelings towards you. Your childhood friendship was still so alive in his memory. And now that you had grown up to become the finest lady he had ever set his eyes upon, his mind was constantly tormented by visuals of your body, by your melodious voice (even though anything that voice directed towards him were spits of fire), your chestnut brown hair, and your fiery eyes.

The irony of him being obsessed with you for the same reasons he hated those bastards , drove him crazy.
The feeling softness of your body pressed against his hard one was like a drug to him. You didn't know it but he was exercising every last drop of his will to control his animalistic instincts to fuck you like a savage right there .

"Oh yes I could kill you sweetheart. But I shall save that date for your beloved brothers. For you I have some very different plans love."

Your heart was thumping so loud you were sure Aemond could hear it. His insinuation was not lost on you. But instead of curling up with disgust, your nether regions throbbed deliciously at the prospect of his threats.

You hated yourself for it. No matter how venomous your words directed towards your uncle are, you couldn't lie to yourself about the fact that you secretly pined for this man, that your heart still ached for your destroyed and long forgotten friendship. You couldn't deny how deliciously handsome he had grown up to be. Even now, you couldn't help but admire his long and sharp jaw, his pointed nose and curved lips.

His blade now pressed a bit deeper, drawing out a trickle of crimson blood to match your gown.
You glared at him.
"Tell me now love, if I decide to wreck body and rob you of all your virtues, how would your family react?" He was now practically grinning, his eye still focused on your lip. "I can already picture their pathetic reactions. We would love to see that now wouldn't we?"

"Get the fuck off me. Don't you dare touch me." You hissed.
"Oh but I already am , aren't I?" He said with a malicious chuckle.

His removed his blade only to bring it down on your body again; now gingerly tracing your curves till he reached your waist.
He observed the trail of blood dripping onto breasts from your chin with a hunger that made you press your thighs tight.

"Hmm" his rumbling voice made you tremble.

He turned his blade around to make the blunt end of the hilt face your body. With one hand he bunched up your gown and slipped his other hand beneath.
You gasp loudly at his brash action. "Aemond! What do you think you're doing?!" You exclaimed.
He let his fingers brush your dripping cunt and let out a deep cocky chuckle.

"Look you my dear niece. Is this what your true feelings are? Dripping like a whore for the uncle you hate so much ?"
You could hear the glee in his voice as heat crept up your cheeks making them almost as red as the blood oozing from your lip.
"Shut up." You grimaced at your own pathetic response.
You suddenly felt a cold touch in your nether regions and with a sharp intake of breath you realised he pressed the hilt of his dagger to your swollen clit.

You look at him with wide eyes only to find amusement dancing in his.
He gently pressed it earning a moan out of your lips. You were too embarrassed to even face him now, so you turned your face sideways.

Aemond was enjoying your reactions way too much for own good. Your delectable moans and ripe red cheeks made his cock strain painfully against his pants.
He drew circles on your clit causing a string of involuntary lewd sounds from you. You had no control of your body anymore, as you rotated your hips to feel the dagger on all the right places, seeking for relief.

Aemond almost losing all his self control seeing your condition, pressed his nose at the side of your jaw. You felt his hot tongue slide across your skin.
You breathing was so loud , you were afraid someone was sure to overhear your filthy interactions.
Aemond suddenly withdrew his dagger, making you look at him with surprise. Was this his way of punishing you?
The only reply you got was his huge grin as pressed his fingers against your slippery wet clit.
He brought his dagger up to slash the front of your gown, making your breasts spill out.
You could only whine at protest as your energy slowly seeped out due to his exploits.

Aemond actually salivated looking at your soft breasts , now staring back at him with stiff peaks.
He then placed the dagger at your entrance, adjusting it's tip on your rims.
"Aemond no! S-stop p-lease."
"That doesn't sound so convincing love." He replied with a sadistic humour wrapping his words.
And you agreed, even though you wouldn't say that out loud.
His fingers now moved at lightening speed on your cunt as he simultaneously pushed the hilt deep inside you.
Your moans became louder and louder with each passing second; and on the threat of them turning to screams, Aemond sealed your mouth in a searing kiss. He swallowed your slutty moans as his tongue lashed out on every corner of your mouth.

He savoured your sweet lilac scent mixed with the iron smell of the blood on your lips.

You couldn't believe just how turned on you were with a dagger inside you. It's cold feel on your warm insides was deriliously exciting and made you shiver all over. You could feel the the intricate designs of it scraping on your vaginal walls.Your knuckles turned white from the pressure of holding onto his shoulders so hard for support as your body grew weak.

You clenched around the hardness as you were drawn extremely close to climax by the work of Aemond's swift and precise fingers.
Aemond seemed to sense it as he detached his his lips from yours as he saw your expression with a wide grin that was now bloodied from kissing your cut lips.
Your eyes rolled back and breath hitched in your throat as you came ;  thrashing so violently, Aemond had to press down on you.
Your wetness coved his entire hand that was holding the dagger which now slipped out due to the sheer slipperyness of your spent cunt.

You saw him licking your milky release from his dagger with a long swipe of his tongue while maintaining eye contact with you. The act was almost enough to get your overstimulated cunt be ready to get ravaged again by your uncle.
"I hate you." You breathed out weakly as you collapsed on his body, all your strength leaving your body.

"I hate you too, sweetheart." Aemond said as he pulled in your body gently too him.
Were you mistaken or did you hear a softness in his voice that you had last heard ages ago?

Whatever it was your mind was too scattered to form any coherent thoughts as you heaved into the crook of his neck while carried you off to where you didn't know.

AEMOND TARGARYEN ONESHOTS (smut)Where stories live. Discover now