𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 1

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Warning: First of all thanks for reading. English is not my first language so there may be some mistakes. There are some swearing words along with sexual words and scenes. I might make some mistakes because I'm new to Formula 1 and I tried to research everything before writing but some things are hard to find (I accept any help you can give me tho).

Every character and name are merely representative and I do not mean to insult anyone, but someone will be the villain (or not) so if it's your idol I'm sorry. Some family names/birthdays are made up because there are pieces of information that are, obviously, not made public.

Note: Carlos is not a Formula 1 driver here. He is the CEO of his family's companies, which will be the top pharmaceutical businesses in the world.


♪ You don't take responsibility
For holding on to my heart the way you do ♪

September 2nd, 2021 - Madrid, Spain

Sofia Morales POV

It's Thursday and I just wanted the week to end. The company was chaotic. I parked my car in my usual place and went to the elevator. It was the fullest I remember it. I left on my floor, the 20th, and I saw everyone was already there, I looked around suspiciously. Why is everyone here 10 minutes before work is due to start?

"Are you crazy? Sit down and pretend to work earlier than the time to clock in" Juan says and I let out a laugh.

"I already do that, but these 5 minutes are mine. I start to pretend to work when I clock in" I say and go to the coffee machine, even though I only wanted the delicious hot chocolate it has. I took a sip while scrolling through my phone.

"Don't you know?" Juan asks confusedly and I get more confused than him.

"Know what?" I ask while everyone watched like I was crazy.

"The new CEO is coming today, Jorge has stepped down so the son of the Sainz can take his place. He arrived this week from the United States, he will start today" He says and I take a deep breath, we are fucked.

"No. It can't be, Jorge was doing fine" I say worriedly, this will change the whole company's dynamic.

"Jorge was already following his instructions, he will be vice president like he was. He was just passing messages" He says and I shake my head.

"No. You know the fame the son has, he is not easy. When he took over being the CEO in America, measures changed and a lot of people resigned or got fired in the headquarters there" I say and he nods.

"I know. Behave so you won't be the first one" He says and goes to his office.

There are a lot of branches spread throughout the world. Madrid is the main headquarter, which is where I work, human resources are done carefully because one mistake can lead to information going outside the company. We watch every detail of the people we hire and every detail of every complaint so I'm not worried about it. I'm worried about the new boss's known temperament.

Juan was above me, on his absence, I run the human resources department, and I usually stay in the open space even though I have my office. I use the office for more personal or confidential business but it's not that usual. I sat at my table which is the only one turned away from the elevator so I can watch everyone.

I see everyone look behind me and Juan quickly appears. I turn my chair around and here they were. Carlos Sainz Jr, the new CEO, his dad who has the same name, his mother called Reyes de Vázquez, and both sisters who denied the inheritance, Blanca and Ana, they work other roles inside the family business. The most powerful family in Spain and probably Europe.

"I'm honored to have you here in our department and we hope you have a great start here Sir" Juan says clearly nervously.

"Hello, I made sure to greet every department and I wanted to thank you for the great work over the last 5 years. The headquarters are more work but you managed to achieve numbers no other city and country has been able. I hope to be able to see your good work personally" He says and his family just smiled but he clearly didn't.

"We wish you a great experience here and hope it's as good as you are used to" Juan says and he nods.

"Have a great day and I will schedule a meeting in the next few days with the department" He says smugly, I shrug turning around to sit on my chair thinking they were leaving but everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. I turn back around and they watched me closely, shit.

"I'm sorry" I say quietly and he nods.

"Am I taking too much of your time or being annoying?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No, it just sounded like a goodbye and I turned around to get back to work. I don't think it's very productive to watch my boss wait for an elevator and leave when I could be working. I misjudged the situation" I say and he nods.

"Well, there's a reason you are a supervisor. Get back to work people, take the example" He says and I sit on my chair and get back to work.

"You need to know when to be quiet and not move. That could've gone very bad, you don't turn your back on the bosses" Juan says and I roll my eyes.

"Do I look worried? Because I'm not" I say and continue typing the email I was about to send.

"You should. He can fire you easily Sofia, be careful" He says and goes to his office.

At lunchtime I had to go out to eat because I forgot to bring food, I procrastinated and didn't cook dinner so there were no lunch leftovers for today. I got in the elevator and there was Mr. Arrogant with his secretary, we didn't hire her so I will assume she came with him from the United States. Everyone was quiet and clearly stressed to be in the same place as him, as we reach the main floor everyone gets out.

"How has the company been treating you? Was Jorge doing a good job?" I hear Carlos ask and I take some time to understand it was for me.

"Jorge was pretty great, everyone was already adjusted to him. It will take some time but everyone will get back to normal. This company is great, that's why I'm here after 5 years" I say and he nods.

"Well, I hope I am not a disappointment compared to him" He says and I let out a laugh.

"I doubt it, everyone knew Jorge wasn't going to be here forever. I need to go now, have a great day Mr. Sainz" I say and head to a restaurant close by so I could eat quickly.

I walked back to the company and when I got to my floor I start working. Everyone suddenly gets quiet, I look up and see Carlos making his way out of Juan's office. He leaves without saying much and Juan calls me to his office. What is happening?

Mr. Arrogant ✞ Carlos Sainz JrWhere stories live. Discover now