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♫ She'll love you
If you love her ♫

5 years later – May 4th, 2027

Carlos Sainz POV

"I understand you've all done your best but, clearly, your best is not good enough. My standards are high and if your team can't follow them then that's a problem because I will either get a new boss or a new team," I say as the meeting I am at is obviously pissing me off. All I can hear are excuses.

"There is no need for that. We won't ever make this mistake again but I need a reorganization on the team and probably some people have to go. Some got too comfortable and aren't doing their job properly," he says confidently, I look around the table and at the other heads of departments who were obviously nervous.

"Sir, your wife has arrived," Carla whispers as she receives a text on her phone and I nod.

"We will take a small break now. Please have some water and we can then resume the meeting. Thank you for your time," I say as I get up and the door opens before I reach it, showing Sofia as she held our boy and our daughter ran to hug me.

"Papá!" She calls happily and I pick her up.

"Sofia! Look how big he is!" Juan says excitedly as he meets us at the door and Sofia nods.

"He definitely grew a lot in the last few weeks, but he is only 6 months old and is so curious," she comments proudly.

"Do you know if your dear husband will bombard our department?" Juan asks as he probably thought I was distracted enough not to hear him.

"I am still her husband Juan, she is just as bad as me in case you forgot," I say without looking away from my daughter as she stubbornly tries to unlock my phone.

"Everyone called him Mister Arrogant and now you are Miss Arrogant too. How the tables have turned," Juan says jokingly and we both laugh.

"He is my husband and I have to stand by his side. I am not arrogant for keeping everyone in line. Respect is a two-way street and people seem not to respect anyone anymore," she says calmly and I nod in agreement.

"And don't call me that again or I will have to stop allowing your presence inside my house," I say jokingly and he throws his hands up in innocence                   before entering the meeting room.

"Did you miss me?" She asks as she comes closer to give me a quick kiss.

"I did but you should've stayed home to rest, I told you there was no need for you to come here. Amelia will give you all the information about the interviews she is performing in person, while you rest at home. You need to stop being so stubborn," I say worriedly as she puts the baby in his stroller since he fell asleep.

"There she is! My beautiful niece!" We hear Amelia's voice and she jumps to the floor and hugs Amelia who gladly hugs her back.

"Do you really think I would let you terrorize the heads of the department without a break in between, let people breath, it's not that bad, it's been going pretty well in the last semester, you are just trying to scare them to keep them in line or you are not telling Juan the right information," she crosses her arms awaiting for an answer and I give her a smile.

"Most departments are doing fine, I was just telling him off because his department has been failing time after time, their reports have mistakes constantly and the head of the department agreed something was definitely wrong so it is definitely needed. Just go home, I will meet you after this is over," I say as I lean down to give her a quick hug and a kiss.

"Oh, you definitely will. Because the kids are going with their grandparents and we are having a date night because I deserve to have a date night with you," she says happily and I smile.

"That sounds great but I didn't forget any important date did I? Our 4th wedding anniversary was 2 months ago." I am now doubting myself and she laughs.

"You are in the clear. I just want some time just us, without the little devils in the house. Also, your parents were stubborn in wanting to watch them for a full night", the smirk on her face made me smile more than it should've.

"I agree with them, both sets of grandparents are dedicated, who are we to go against them?" I say as I give her a wink.

"Go inside and finish it quickly so we can enjoy even more time alone," she says as I see my parents appearing, I wave at them and enter the meeting room.

Everyone went silent and I ended it pretty quickly, I could see the relief on their faces and the smile on Carla's face as she wished me a good weekend. She probably got wind of what might be making me more happy.

I found my wife at home, with a very tight dress an lunch ready for us. Oh, this is completely worth it. I sat down in front of her and we started eating with some jokes in the middle of the meal and the quietness of an uninterrupted meal.

"I am glad you got back to Madrid. This would've never happened," she says quietly as I was setting the plates on the sink.

"I am glad too, all the pain was worth it. I would've taken all the pain from you though. You didn't deserve it," I say as I turn around and hug her.

"Even the pains of labor? Because those two kids were a real pain to have," She says as we both laugh.

"I think you can keep those cariño," I say as I kiss her cheek.

"Don't be so mean to me Mr. Arrogant," her happy voice said as she giggled.

"Why? You seem to love being Miss Arrogant," I say before our lips touch.

This is it, the life we were always meant to have is this. No matter what life threw in our way, we still made it back to each other. And our love will always remain.


Hello everyone!

Since Carlos's story is ending I will be posting a new story to replace it, I haven't done the poll this time because I completely forgot.

The story is called "Broken" and it's about Max Verstappen. I hope you will all like it and take a few minutes to take a look at the first chapter since it will be posted at the same time as this one.

Thank you all so much for all the support and I hope you loved this story!

Love you all <3

Mr. Arrogant ✞ Carlos Sainz JrWhere stories live. Discover now