𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 7

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♪ Hold on to the possibility
That you and me could turn into us ♪

Sofia Morales POV

I was dying inside because I don't know if I should tell everyone the truth or not. If I didn't 5 years ago why would I do it now? Fuck it. I started drinking and having fun. The party ended and only a few cars were left in the parking lot when I got there. I shouldn't drive. Juan took Amelia home and I picked up my phone to call an uber.

"Are you feeling better from earlier?" Ana asks and I look surprised at her, I missed her so much. She was the sweetest, she is 4 years younger than us and she looked up to me. She must've been so disappointed.

"I'm fine, thank you" I say looking at the floor.

"You can't drive like that Sofia" I hear Carlos' voice and he quickly arrives to our side.

"I am calling an Uber" I say showing him my phone.

"I will take you home, they will try to take advantage of you that drunk" He says and starts going to his car.

"Please, go with him" Ana asks and I nod.

"Fine" I say following him, he opened the door and I got in. I put my seatbelt on and then he got in after exchanging some words with his family.

The drive to my house was pure silence. I was almost sleeping when my phone started ringing. I didn't even have any will to open my own eyes.

"Miguel is calling you at 2 AM, awesome" He says with a tone of irony and I open my eyes, I look at the phone on my lap and go back to closing my eyes. I feel him picking up my phone and answering.

"I can't believe you went to that party. Do you have no shame? I hope you aren't trying to get back to him" He says and I see Carlos looking at me.

"Fuck off Miguel" I say and try to take the phone from his hand.

"No, you fuck off. If he is that stupid to go back to you then you two are good for each other. I am arriving at your house in 10 minutes and you better be there Sofia" He says in a threatening tone, I was scared of him, I have always been. He wouldn't attack Carlos, never. But he would attack me.

"I won't be home for the next 20 minutes, sorry about that" I say ironically and I hear him hitting his steering wheel, psychopath.

"Who is taking you home? I know you aren't driving. I'm not stupid" He says and I look at Carlos who was tightly holding the steering wheel while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Goodbye" I say hanging up.

"What a nice relationship, he seems like a nice guy" Carlos says with the most sarcasm possible and I roll my eyes.

"He was never known for being nice"

"Yet, you still chose him. Fantastic" He says and keeps driving.

"I didn't make a single choice. You left, you blocked me and you left"

"Because you cheated with one of the few people I hate, and I got sent a video of it. That is why I left, I asked you to marry me and you cheated on me a month later, on my birthday" He says without even looking at me.

"It wasn't on your birthday" I say in a quiet tone and he nods.

"That is way better" His sarcasm is on fire today.

We finally got to my apartment and I saw Miguel's car. Shit.

"Can you go around and leave me by the back of the building? I don't want to run into him" I ask and he looks at me like I was crazy.

"Are you really running away from him?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Forget it. Thank you for the ride" I say and leave the car. As soon as I pass by Miguel's car, he gets out and pushes me against his car.

"Who do you think you are to hang up on me?" He asks furiously and tears fill my eyes.

"I am drunk, I don't know what I'm doing. I need to rest. Come back in another day" I say and try to push him but he had his body almost glued to mine, and I knew Carlos was watching.

"No, I want you today" He says kissing my neck and I almost throw up at that moment.

"Leave me alone" I say trying to push him off again and he puts his hand on my neck with such strength that I couldn't breathe.

"Let her go. Now!" I hear Carlos say and he immediately lets go of me and leaves some steps between us.

"Couldn't you tell me he was here? She likes it rough, you know it better than me probably" He says and I was still trying to breathe.

"You left your phone in my car. Let's go" He says and gives me his hand, I take it and he takes me to my apartment door.

"Thank you" I say with gratitude and I saw the confusion on his face while he nodded.

"Why- Why did you cheat on me with him? Because that was too much. We tried it all, I know you don't like being choked and shoved against a car" He says and I look at the floor.

"You can leave now. I'm fine, he can't get in, the door is reinforced" I say avoiding the subject.

"I will make him leave before me but I can't promise he won't be back. You should not keep seeing this guy" He says before walking off and I close the door.

I leaned on the door and let my body hit the floor. What am I doing with my life? Will I be afraid of Miguel for the rest of my life? I spent the weekend closed at home, Carlos had arranged for someone to bring my car back so Monday came and I went to the company.

Amelia and Juan had called to ask if I was alright and I explained that my mother is a family friend of the Sainz family so they now know who I'm related to. They just don't know I've dated Carlos. Juan wasn't in on the gossip before I entered the team so that is a plus for me.

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