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Raghav's P.O.V

I reminisced the day I had sat inside my car after successfully troubling Sameeksha. God! I knew that my wastage of time was worth when I saw her reactions. I sabotaged 5 hours searching for some lame pick-up lines from Google to impress her. That clearly didn't work, but I did get to hear her laugh her ass off.

Hearing her curse, laugh and get angry at me was the best thing ever. Really!

It had been ages since I actually talked to her. It was not the talk we had when we were friends. But it doesn't matter as long as I get to hear my cute wife's sweet voice.

If this is what love feels like, then I could stay in love forever.

I was someone who never believed in those cringe fairy tales. Someone who felt that love and all was bullshit. And how did I stop believing in love?

I had only ever read 1 book in my entire 27 years of existence. 'One Arranged Murder by 'Chetan Bhagat'. And that book conveyed that love was bullshit— not literally, obviously. It may not apply to everyone, but it was true in most of the cases.

In reference to 'One Arranged Murder': Saurabh and Prerna's love story remained incomplete because Prerna died just before their marriage. And Keshav fell in love with Anjali who killed Prerna.

I felt melancholic the whole day. That was the day I stopped believing in those crappy romance shit.

But Sameeksha made me believe that love do exist after all. She made me accept that love was not all that bad. Yes, it had its side effects but, overall, it was a beautiful feeling.

The sound of a knock ricocheted through the empty walls of my office. I broke off my trance and called the person in, maintaining my 'cold boss' facade.

"Sir, you have a meeting with H.O.D of every departments in about 30 minutes." Reminded my temporary personal assistant, Stella.

"Hmm. Thankyou for reminding me, Stella. You may leave now. And make sure to settle down the required files on my desk before you forget."

"Alright, sir. Anything else?"

"No." And with that, she was out of my sight through the glass doors of my office.

I sighed and propped my elbows on the desk and rested my head on my palms.

Not even a second after I closed my eyes, a message from my phone reverberated through my ears and I sighed in frustration before checking out the message.

The Second Mother: Guys! I am bored.

The Bubbly Sis: Me too. You people are so evil. You left us all alone in an unknown country.

Austere Bitch: Stop being so melodramatic. We would be coming in about an hour. And Naina, I thought you were fine with me going to work.

The Second Mother: No, I wasn't. But I can't possibly stop you from working, can I? You didn't see the disappointment etched on my face?

The Second Bitch: Stop your petty fight, guys. I would have loved to come now but I have a meeting in 30 minutes. So, sorry. But you can ask Sameeksha to give you two company.

The Bubbly Sis: We can. But...

The Second Mother: We can't possibly disturb her now that she has lost her memory. We would have never troubled you guys if we could call Sameeksha.

The Scumbag's Twin: Okay fine. Not Sameeksha but you can call Anshika, right? She is still a part of the family.

The Bubbly Sis: I ordered her to come over but she said she has an important meeting.

The Second Mother: I should have never come with such workaholics like you. Huh! Get lost.

Shit! We all have got some serious apologising to do.

After 30 minutes of thinking about how to apologize to my dear bhabhi and Tanya, I got up and went out to attend my oh so interesting meeting.

All of the people sitting on their respective chairs got up when I entered as a sign of respect.

My brows furrowed when I noticed two head chairs at either corner of the rectangular table.

"Why is that another head chair over there?" I pointed my index finger towards that another and, probably, unwanted chair.

"Sir, Ms.—" Before the Head of the IT department— Mr. Bakshi— could complete his sentence, the door burst open and in came, to my surprise, Sameeksha and her assistant.

I kept looking at her as she made her way towards me and snapped her fingers to snap me out of my magical trance.

"Can I please sit over here? It might be quite difficult for you to focus on the board if you sit here." She said in a soft voice but with a pinch of firmness in it.

"Sure." I kept my flirting with me because we were not alone and my 'cold boss' reputation was at stake. You understand? You do.

I sat on the other side of the table, facing the projector and my wife.

"Initially, my father was to come and give this presentation but I came here to represent my company on behalf of him. So, shall we get started?"

A chorus of 'yes' surrounded the whole meeting room.

"So, I did...... " The rest of the sounds faded as I continued gazing at her. It might not be profesional of me to do this. But who cares? I don't have any say in this decision so why should I even listen to it when I have got more interesting things on hand? Like gazing at my beautiful wife.

She was wearing a turtle neck beige coloured top paired up with black pants. And trust me, she looked smoking hot.

I noticed every tiny detail about her. Like how she brushed her hair strands off that kept falling before her eyes. How she flailed her arms to prove a point. How she moved around before the projector like a pendulum. How she spoke so confidently like she owned the world. How she answered each and every query. How she came over towards me and snapped her fingers.

Wait what!

I jerked up when I realised that she had been calling my name,"Raghav? The meeting got over a few minutes before. Why are you still sitting over here?"

"Uh– I should be the one asking you that question. This is my meeting room. I can stay here as long as I like. But what are you doing here?" Before she could open her mouth to answer, I fake gasped,"Don't tell me you were admiring me from afar."

"What? No. Of course not. I was just collecting my things when I saw you sitting on this chair, frozen like ice."

"Well. Goodbye then, Ms. Rathore."

"Goodbye, Mr. Malhotra."

We walked off towards the door together and before she could go off the opposite direction towards the exit gate, I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me. As a result, she collided with me and put her palms flat on my chest for support.

"Did I tell you that you looked absolutely, irrevocably beautiful?" I brushed a few strands of her coal black hair off her eyes that were blocking her beautiful face from my sight.

And then, I left her arm and moved towards my temporary office. All the while grinning like a maniac.

Of course, there was not a single employee that saw me grinning like that. If they had saw me like this, I would have been doomed.


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