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Raghav's P.O.V

"What do you mean by you don't know where they are?" Bhai's loud voice boomed throughout the room.

"So-sorry, sir. But they tricked us and escaped before we could even understand what they said."

"It's okay. We will call you if we need you. Thankyou." Sid dismissed them.

After the door shut behind them, bhai said,"How can they be so careless? The fuck. Where are we going to find them, now?"

"Calm down, bhai. Stop hyperventilating. It will get you nowhere." Abhi tried to calm him down.

"I will track bhabhi's phone. Don't worry, we will find them." I said and went to get my laptop.

I sat on the couch and clicked on a few buttons to find their location.
"They are in a cinema. I will tell you the directions. Listen everyone, I, Abhi and bhai will go to that cinema and bring them over here. Sid, you stay here with Myra."

"Alright." All of them chorused and we ran outside the hotel.
We all settled ourselves in the seats and drove towards the theatre.

To be honest, that was kind of immature of them to do that. Escaping from the bodyguards, I mean. And to say I was disappointed would be an understatement. I didn't expect bhabhi to be this careless. She knows how much dangerous it is for them to roam around freely like that.

And, if I am not wrong, Sameeksha wouldn't have bothered to take any guards with her either. So, they were all alone and anybody could take advantage of that situation and do anything horrendous with them.

And the thought of anything bad happening to Sameeksha made me growl. I had to bite my lips because I was afraid I would snap at my brother, and that would lead to an unwanted and massive argument.

Just when we parked the car and entered the cinema, I noticed Tanya and Sameeksha conversing with each other.

We strode towards them and Abhi pulled Tanya into a hug, as soon as we reached them, and inhaled her scent to calm himself down.

"Where is Naina, Sameeksha?" It was clear that he was trying to keep his voice devoid of the rage he felt.

"She– er– is in the washroom." Came her hesitant answer.

Just when she answered, bhabhi came out of the washroom and made a beeline towards us.

"What are you doing here?" She asked in a surprised voice.

"Naina, why did you not bother to take the guards with you?" Bhai asked while trying to keep his face neutral, but failing miserably.

Everyone could see how much angry he was. His jaw was clenched, his palms were fisted and his entire body shook with unadulterated rage.

Even bhabhi was terrified. I couldn't blame her, anybody would be afraid if they saw my brother right now.

Sameeksha, out of nowhere, popped up beside me and asked in a whisper,"What happened? Why does he look so angry?"

"Because they ditched the bodyguards."

"So, what?"

I looked at her and said,"What do you mean by 'so what'? Anything could have happened to you guys. Our enemies could have taken advantage of this situation and kidnapped you or something."

"Why do we need a bodyguard for that? We have more than enough capability to defend ourselves." She snarled.

"It isn't about fighting and escaping and defending. It's about being safe. Do you even know how much worried we were because of you guys?"

"Do you guys take a guard wherever you go? No, right. Then, why the fuck do you expect us to take an escort?"

"Because you are women."

"What the fuck? Just because we are women, doesn't mean we are puny. And, for your information, I am trained in martial arts. I know how to break a bone or two."

"This is not about feminism, Sameeksha. You don't understand, do you? All of this is for your safety."

"We don't need guys to protect us. Stop being so superior. Just because you are a man, you get to go wherever you want to. You get to wear whatever you wish to. Nobody tells you to straighten up your top just because your bra strap is visible. Nobody tells you to not step out of the house at night. Nobody tells you to not wear short clothes. Nobody judges you if you get a divorce. It has always been women who has been judged and taunted at every step of her life." She almost yelled. Because of our argument, a lot of crowd had gathered around us.

"Okay. Take a deep breath and calm down. You are making a scene. We will talk about this at the hotel room, alright?"

She took a deep breath and said in a more composed tone than before,"Alright."

Abhi, Tanya and bhai came in one car whereas I, Sameeksha and bhabhi came in another car, that was Sameeksha's.

The atmosphere inside the car was so tense that I almost died of suffocation. I opened the window and started gazing at the buildings and cars.

The argument we all had with our respective spouse— cannot say that about me and Sameeksha, though— was pointless and baseless.

We weren't being superior at all. The only point was to keep an escort with them whenever they go out, but they turned it into a feminist quarrel.

I opened the door when Sameeksha parked her car inside the car park. We all entered inside the room through the lobby and called the lift to go to 8th floor.

Abhi opened his room's door and held it open for all of us before slamming it  again.
"So, what now?" He asked with a scowl on his face.

"My only point was that you guys need to stop acting as if we wouldn't be able to protect ourselves." Tanya said while glaring at her boyfriend.

"It was not about feminism, Tanya. I told you that a million times." Bhai said, exasperated.

To be honest, even I was exhausted by these stupid, baseless quarrels.
"Why do you wish to argue? Just promise us that you wouldn't do anything like this ever again and we will end it over there." I said.

"I won't promise anything I can't keep." Bhabhi said firmly.

"Naina, stop being so stubborn. Whatever we are doing is for your own safety." Bhai said in an equally firm tone.

"And we told you a million times that we don't need your protection." Sameeksha said.

"God! Okay, fine. Do whatever you want to do. Go ahead and invite trouble. Don't expect us to help you out then." Abhi retorted.

"We won't." Tanya said and dragged the other two ladies out.

I slumped on the couch and looked at my brothers with a tired look. God! We really didn't need to fight like that. They just had to apologize and it would have been sorted out.

The door opened and in came Sid,"Hey! Where ar—" He stopped when he noticed our gloomy faces.
"What happened?" He asked in a serious voice.

"Stuff happened. Abhi, elaborate please. I am going to take a shower to clear my head off of that terrible argument." Bhai said and disappeared behind the white door of the bathroom.

What views do you have about feminism?

And, do you think that what Sameeksha said was right? Was the argument baseless?

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