#3 mistake

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"wow great, have you ever attended a tournament match?"

"not really, i'd love to though!" i said.

"i could make that happ-"

"well enough talking, let's cut it out!" interrupted eric, barging in with scissors in his hand.

i could not hear what joão wanted to say but now i have to focus. eric told me that joão likes to have his hair trimmed, just cut the fluffiness down. he comes frequently because it grows really fast, sometimes clippers are needed.

eric shuffled his hand through joão's fluffy hair, he hadn't cut it since before the world cup. he analysed the situation.

"hmmm," he thought. i think we'll have to use the clippers today. "joão, do you mind if i let elena try out the scissors first? only to practise." he looked at joão for approval while i looked at him a bit worried.

"oh sure there's no problem, anything you do that will help me look like less of a sheep please," he said, and we all laughed.

i grabbed the scissors and comb and started to cut the hair i saw was too long. eric supervised me and joão looked attentively at what i was doing. thankfully eric and joão are really good friends so i'm not afraid of trying this out.

"good job! that looks pretty good," said eric. "do you like it joão?"

"yes! you did really good elena," he said, winking at me. i grinned.

okay, this was a good start i guess. now i'll let eric do the hard part.

"hey el, do you want to try the clippers too?" he inquired. "if it's okay for you joão".

"yeah sure, there's no problem," joão replied.

"oh no it's okay, i can wait for next time," i said.

"no no go on, i'm sure you'll do great," eric insisted.

i doubtfully took hold of the clippers and turned them on. i went for the back hair first, then the sides and lastly the top of the hea-

"OH MY GOD," i shouted.

a shaved trail run through the middle of joão's head. i instantly knew i had made a mistake. I. BALDED. JOÃO. FÉLIX. HOLY CRAP HE IS GOING TO FUCK ME UP.

i turned the artifact off and brought my hands to my head. i paced around the room and then looked up to joão and eric, the rest of eric's team was there too. only that they were, LAUGHING?

"what are you guys laughing at i just balded him!" i called out. joão was silent, and i didn't know if it was for better or for worse.

he was staring at the mirror with a blank expression on his face and i could feel the tension in the air. i practically flinched when he stood up.

i wanted the earth to swallow me whole, i was so embarrassed. in the midst of the laughter i tried poorly to hide my face behind my hands.

eric approached me before joão could, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder, trying to put me at ease.

i looked up at joão and noticed an annoyed expression on his face. eric noticed and went to talk about the situation with joão.

"hey man, i'm sorry, i'll fix this," he said, "you did give me your consent though."

"it's fine, i trust you," he stated, "i just don't know how to react."

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