#6 weekend lunch

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i cannot wait for saturday, i've been wanting to hang out with friends for a while now and i have a feeling we're gonna have a marvellous time.

* * *

saturday is finally here. i woke up at 9am and opened the curtains. it was a sunny day, not a single cloud on the light-blue sky. it was strangely hot for winter. i made my bed and then headed to my wardrobe. i put on a white tank, a light-blue skirt, white sandals and a golden necklace. i packed a sweater.

i ate some granola with fruits and yogurt for breakfast and brushed my teeth. after that, i packed my bikini and other swimming essentials as eric mentioned that joão had a heated pool. i chilled at home painting my nails and watching a series until it was time to go and i texted my friends to be ready. they seemed really excited.

i picked them up in my mom's car as eric was going in his own car.

"i can't wait to dive in the pool, the weather is so hot", said daniela. 

"me too, and i'm excited to meet these guys," said ana.

"i can't believe we're meeting joão félix!" said mariah.

we finally arrived. the house was located in a private neighbourhood. its exterior was white and it had two floors. we knocked on the door and waited. after a moment, the door opened and revealed joão. he was wearing black swimming shorts and slides, while the rest of his tan body was exposed. he was smiling, his white teeth showing. his brown eyes scanned my friends and i, stopping at me for a split second and then back to my friends.

"welcome, nice to meet you," he said grinning, "and hi elena." he motioned for us to come inside. "come in." he said.

we followed joão to the backyard. daniela, ana, mariah and i looked at each other because the house was so nicely decorated.

in the backyard we encountered a number of guys cutting tomatoes, pickles and other burger stuffings on a long table. we greeted each other, they were really welcoming. eric hadn't arrived yet.

there was alex, a tall skinny blonde guy with green eyes and another guy called joaquín with black hair and brown eyes.

the yard had a 10-metre long swimming pool, along with a hot tub and a mini football pitch with two goal boxes.

my friends and i left our belongings in a nearby sofa and offered to help the guys with the burger stuffing. we started chatting with them.

"so elena, you're eric's cousin right?" asked alex.

"yes i am!" i said. "i'm currently helping him at the salon, as my job."

"that's great, so that's where you met joão?"

"yeah, i didn't make such a great first impression though," i said, while smiling.

everyone looked at joão, he was standing across the table grinning with his eyebrows lifted. we all laughed.

"ah now i understand," said alex, smiling.

"alright i have to fetch the coal for the fire," said joão, "i need a helping hand".

"i'll help you," i said.

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